Jan Willem Hollanders

Born and grown up in the Netherlands JWH spent his whole working life in the field of education: as teacher, as principal of a college for technical and vocational education and training, as governor and as ceo of the national association of college-trustees (ABB).

The last 15 years of his working life JWH was, national and international, active as an independent entrepreneur (strategic development and planning, consulting, project- and interim management in the field of education and training, lifelong learning). Consulting college-trustees and managers and acting as a troubleshooter in colleges and schools, which, for all kinds of causes, did not operate efficiently and effectively and deliver education and training of poor quality. 

In his work JWH was focused on the improvement of the professionalism and quality of college management, teachers and the improvement of the college organisation.

Jan Willem Hollanders was founding president and served EfVET in 1991- 1997.

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