KA2 and KA3 project Dissemination Day on Twitter organised by Tknika

KA2 and KA3 project Dissemination Day on Twitter organised by Tknika

On April 3rd 2020 Tknika organised an Erasmus+ KA2 and KA3 dissemination event online. It is the fifth consecutive year in which Tknika organises this kind of dissemination event with the Basque VET centres.

This year the event was planned for the 3rd of April but the measures decreed by the Government to stop the spread of COVID-19 made it impossible for the event to be held physically. The event had to be cancelled. In this scenario, Tknika decided to try to disseminate the projects of Basque VET centres online and this is where the idea of using Twitter for dissemination came from.

At 9.00 am a video filmed by Mr. Rikardo Lamadrid the Director of Technology and Advanced learning of the Vice ministry of Vocational Education and Training, Department of Education, Basque Government, uploaded a video on Twitter which opened a thread inviting all the Basque VET centres to post short videos describing their KA2 and KA3 projects. The response of the VET centres was excellent. Several of them from the Basque Country and other European countries presented a total of 43 projects in short videos.

For those who are interested in the event, the whole threat can be seen here and for those who would like to have a look at the 56 KA2 and KA3 projects in which Basque VET centres have been active on 2019-2020 academic year, here is a link to a booklet published by Tknika.

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