KEYS! From Migrant Education to VET – Developing Key Competences

KEYS! From Migrant Education to VET – Developing Key Competences

What is it?
The KEYS! project explores the current challenges in the field of migrant education and shares awareness of the importance of key competences among education providers, making them visible and giving tools to develop them in education. This in order to enable smooth transitions from integration training/language to VET. It is extremely important that all migrant learners have the possibility to long career, lifelong-learning, sustainable employment, and social inclusion.

Who it concerns?
Two main target groups:
1. Migrant learners that need support in the terms of promoting life-long learning strategies, highlighting European values, and emphasizing equal opportunities, diversity, and social inclusion in Europe, and
2. VET providers, teachers, language schools, integration trainers, policy makers, employers at workplaces that have experience in working with migrants, enterprises, and other stakeholders (Employment office counsellors, Counselling Centers, Skills Centers, schools’ staff, Trade Unions etc).
From the teacher’s viewpoint, KEYS! will provide tools and keys to support learners in developing the basic skills and key competences.
From the learner’s viewpoint, KEYS! will provide help in opening the doors to education, employment, and society.

Desirable outcomes:
1. Online Toolkit; that helps teachers develop the key competences of learners
2. Learning portfolio and virtual guidance support system for migrant students to succeed in entering VET
3. Booklet of best practices and recommendations for teachers; on how to deal with the challenges in the field of migrant education

Through these desirable outcomes, the project aims to:
• Increase the number of migrants entering VET and getting a VET degree
• Smoothen the transition from language/ integration training to VET levels 1–3
• Increase the employability of migrants and strengthen their social inclusion
• Develop migrants’ key competences so that they can cope with the different work-life situations in terms of continuity of employment

Project’s consortium:
The consortium consists of ten partners’ organizations and nine European countries:

  • Axxell Utbildning AB – Finland
  • Stichting Regionaal Opleidingencentrum Zuidholland Zuid – The Netherlands
  • – Greece
  • AEVA – Associacao Para A Educacao E Valorizacao Da Regiao De Aveiro – Portugal
  • Centro San Viator from Spain
  • Internationaler Bund – IB Mitte gGmbH für Bildung und Soziale Dienste Niederlassung Sachsen – Germany
  • Calasanz Santurtzi S.L. – Spain
  • ACADEMIA, izobrazevanje in druge storitve
  • Trondheim kommune, Trondheim voksenopplæringssenter – Norway

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