Landstede Groep: International KA2 project Excellent Education

Landstede Groep: International KA2 project Excellent Education

For the by Erasmus+ subsidised international project “Excellent Education”, 7 partners from 5 different countries work together to exchange experiences about excellent study programmes for VET students in Europe. The goal is to learn from each other and to bring success stories into our own organisations. Improving the image of VET, social integration of talented and ambitious students and  suggesting other ways to offer education are also high on the agenda.

By following 1 of the 3 programs (in Spain, the Netherlands or Finland) both students and teachers get  the opportunity to learn from,  and with each other. Several effective tools are provided that can be used immediately at school, within the work area and sometimes even in the participant’s private lives. Everyone is invited to step into the “learning pit” (James Nottingham) and take on the challenge that the programs offer. We work on developing intercultural skills and learning how to think from a  growth mindset (Carol Dweck). Partly because of this, there is more control over the possibilities that excellent education has to offer in an international setting.

Several online activities have already taken place by which the partners have been able to experience different ways of offering excellent education. An alternative Skills competition, information about the Dutch excellency programs and presentations by students were feasible via Microsoft Teams. Fortunately, in November it is also time for one of the programs on location!

From 22 November to 3 December, the Málaga Business Bootcamp, organised by, will take place in Spain. Students live on their own, learn the Spanish language and work on an assignment for a Spanish client while being coached by 1 of the participating teachers. The recruitment of a total of 30 students and 12 teachers has been set in motion!

We hope that the other 2 programs in the Netherlands and Finland can also be organised on location in 2022. In the Netherlands, the Up and Brainboost programme from ROC Midden Nederland and Landstede will be the focal point. The Skills program, hosted by the VET school OSAO, will take place in Finland.

Follow the LinkedIn page of internationalization – Landstede Groep for updates on the programs, experiences of participants and the goals of the project:

Partners:, Escuela de Formación profesional Santa Maria de los Angeles,  C.I.O.F.S. Formazione professionale,  Køge Business college,  Koulutuskuntayhtyma Osao, ROC Midden Nederland and Landstede.


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