EfVET cooperates with many NGOs and organisations in the field of Vocational Education and Training and European cooperation.

The Lifelong Learning Platform is an umbrella organization that gathers more than 43 from different lifelong learning sectors, from all over Europe and beyond. Currently these networks represent more than 50.000 educational institutions and associations covering all sectors of formal, non-formal and informal learning.
The LLLPlatform was born in 2005 in Brussels (EfVET was one founding members) as a response from civil society organisations to the definition and implementation of a European policy in the field of education and training in the so-called Open Method of Coordination.

World Federation of Colleges Polytechnics (WFCP) provides leadership in delivering workforce education for our global economy and is also a key way for Colleges to link with other key stakeholders in the Skills landscape such as Employers, Sector Skills Councils, Industry, Government, Funding agencies etc to help emphasise our position in the Skills ‘ecosystem’.

ALL DIGITAL is a pan-European association based in Brussels. It represents 60 member organisations from more than 30 countries that work with 20.000 digital competence centres providing access and training to 2.9 million people in Europe every year. Their members are non-profit organisations (ICT community centres, universities, associations, etc.) in the field of non-formal education, providing access to Internet & ICT tools, as well as digital training, certification and opportunities for both general and disadvantaged populations, including elderly, unemployed or at risk of unemployment, young people, migrants and refugees, etc.