The Lifelong Learning Platform held its Annual Conference “Education in a digital world” in Tallinn, Estonia, on 31 May and 1 June 2017.
Gathering more than 60 delegates in education and digital, the conference was the opportunity to share good practice during the “Digital Fair” and “Digital Fishbowl” from all over Europe.
One of the first visible issues tackle during the conference was “the skills gap between labour market needs and the digital competences of the learners”. The qualifications delivered by educational institutions might not correspond to the qualifications sought after in the labour market. Therefore if students have not additional digital skills required by companies might lead to low skilled jobs which.
The outcomes of each workshop were handed over to a group of architects who interested them on a maquette, presented to the audience in the final plenary.
General Assembly
The General Assembly was held on the 2 June 2017. Members were gather to discuss the general direction of the Lifelong Learning Platform, and were also proceed to the election of the new Steering Committee members, together with the welcoming of new few members in the Lifelong Learning.
EfVET has been an active member of Lifelong Learning Platform since the beginning. Mr. Luis Costa (Director Executive of the ANESPO) and from our Steering Committee, was appointment Treasurer, which will provide further visibility and civil society standing for the EfVET. Therefore, the close cooperation between the two associations will continue. It brings together more than 40 members from different lifelong learning sectors.