LLLWeek2015: Thank you for learning!



Thank you!

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In spite of the tense atmosphere in Brussels, many European learners, educators, Members of Parliament and policy-makers came to the city to join the 5th edition of our Lifelong Learning Week. They gathered to discuss what is currently at stake in education, from fundamental values to intercultural dialogue, from validation of competences to media literacy, and about the financial support of educational policies and projects. Thanks to the engaged input of a good variety of speakers and participants, these various events have given us more clarity as well as food for thought. The Lifelong Learning Week was a good way of closing the year 2015 and at the same time opening perspectives to the year 2016 to come.

The Steering Committee of the Lifelong Learning Platform would like to thank all those who took part, and particularly our members and partners for their long standing support in achieving our common objective to improve and enrich our educational systems. We would also like to say a big thanks to the Staff, who made this 5th Lifelong Learning Week a success despite all the concerns in advance and the substantial security requirements.

We hope to see you again and more in the future and count on you to build the future of education in Europe!

Joke van der Leeuw-Roord
LLLPlatform Secretary General

The LLLPlatform has a new Manifesto!

manifestobThe LLLWeek2015 was also the opportunity for the LLLPlatform to launch its new Manifesto on Building the future of learning in Europe.

“A humanistic and holistic approach of learning, from cradle to grave, is of continued relevance in today’s world and a viable foundation for the rethinking of education in knowledge intensive societies. Adopting a vision, whose rationale is not limited to a single objective, but comprehends its multiple facets is not only relevant but also necessary in today’s context.”

This Manifesto is addressed to policy-makers and educational actors from all over Europe in order to take action to make lifelong learning a reality for all!

LLLWeek2015 Evaluation

In order to improve the quality of our events, we would also like to aslifelongk you if for your feedback by filling in this LLLWeek 2015 Evaluation Survey, even if you did not join all the debates.

It will only take you 5 minutes, and will help us a lot in the pursuing our various missions.

You can access the survey here:


Pictures, videos and more…

Some pictures, PowerPoint presentations and other material are already available on our website; more will come, along with the final report. Communication will continue via our website, social media and newsletter to keep you updated.

If you wish to receive particular material, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat directly.


You can find more information about the Annual LLLWeeks on our website.
Do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat directly.

We look forward to welcoming you at our event and building the future of learning together with you!


Lifelong Learning Platform
10, rue de l’Industrie – 1000 Brussels
Suscribe to our Newsletter on www.eucis-lll.eu

© Lifelong Learning Platform 2015

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