Proj. no: 2021-1-DK01-KA220-SCH-000032815
The Erasmus+ KA2 ACT project a collaborative effort of 5 partners from Denmark, Greece, Romania, and Italy, is dedicated to developing the needed tools and methods so as children and teachers from different countries and educational and cultural environments to work together co-creatively on global topics related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Recognizing the urgency of promoting sustainability in schools, through this project, the partnership has produced several key resources available in English, Danish, Greek, Romanian, and Italian, which are the following:
- Self-Reflection Tool for teachers on cross-border learning synergies for the SDGs.
- Online Training Program for teachers in cross-border cooperation for the development of the SDGs in schools.
- Community e-platform for cross-border cooperation on the SDGs.
- Online Workshops for cross-border cooperation on the SDGs.
Additionally, the project has created an Inspiration Library (available only in English) as a source of motivational materials.
A standout feature of the ACT project is its innovative Community e-Platform for cross-border cooperation on the SDGs. This interactive, responsive, and accessible online community is designed for teachers and students (aged 14-18). The platform fosters co-creative synergies on the SDGs, allowing students to meet, interact, and collaborate. It provides a space for communication, idea exchange, project presentations, and creative work. Users can join national and international groups and participate in forums for deeper exploration. A comprehensive User Guide (in video and pdf forms) is available to ensure easy navigation.
In February, March, and April 2024, the platform hosted a series of three (3) workshops, entitled “Let’s ACT together for a better world!” that brought together over 80, Danish, Italian, Romanian, and Greek, students. Each of the two-hour workshops provided an opportunity to learn about the 17 SDGs and share their projects in the international forum.
The team behind the scenes: SOSU Østjylland from Denmark, & Educational Organisation Themistoklis from Greece, FEG from Romania, and LeGO from Italy.
Check out the videos to see the outcomes of these workshops and learn more about the ACT project!
The videos are available here
Learn more about the ACT project here!