MODERN project final meeting & webinar

The final meeting of the MODERN project was organised in Lisburn, UK on 5th and 6th of July, including a free webinar. The MODERN project deliverables were presented highlighting the meaning of implementation IT solutions during the process of didactic materials elaboration, cooperation and knowledge exchange. The presentations were dedicated to all participants to increase their interest in the Modern Project.

Final project meeting

modern disseminationThe final meeting of the project was organized in Lisburn, UK on 5th and 6th of July. The representatives of each partner countries were welcomed by the Lisburn Enterprise centre. The meeting was devoted to the analysis of the final current project activities. All participants were invited to present the review of the course materials and dissemination plan and activities.

A very important issue considered was the project dissemination activities of the partners. The most promising and active attitude on this field was awarded with the Golden Child trophy to Magdalena Malinows from Szczecin University.

Webinar on Innovative Teaching Methods

The afternoon session was dedicated to a free webinar on Innovative Teaching Methods. More than 30 people attended this webinar. During the webinar Canice Hamill introduced the concept of Innovative Teaching and its context to our ERASMUS+ funded MODERN project. Then three showcase Innovative Teaching in Practice were presented and some of our favourite tools: ModernSeminar

  • WordPress as a Learning Management Tool
  • Facebook Groups for Peer Connections
  • Dropbox as a Collaboration Tool

The webinar was successful for teachers and trainers.
If you want to watch the webinar’s video click here

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