Network of Networks (NoN): A grass-root approach

Network of Networks (NoN): A grass-root approach

The Network of Networks (NoN) is a European informal alliance aimed at strategic cooperation, mutual learning and exchange of best practices. Through close cooperation at regional, national and European level, our aim is to improve the quality and efficiency of Vocational Education and Training (VET). Furthermore, we aspire to implement European VET policy initiatives at a grass roots level and share best practices to strengthen the quality of VET across our network.

NoN consists of five regional and national networks: The Dutch Alliance (TDA) in the Netherlands, HETEL in Spain, FINN-NET in Finland, the Scottish Colleges in the UK and Northern Ireland Colleges in the UK. Collectively these five networks currently represent 52 Vocational Education and Training providers that offer a wide variety of VET programmes.

In 2019 we were granted by the Erasmus+ Programme with a KA3 project, “Network of Networks – International Network of VET Providers. A Grassroots Approach”, to respond to the needs of the VET sector in the EU, that has to deal with a low image in society and wants to improve the attractiveness of VET supported by capacity building and the testing and implementation of best practices.

The project, implemented between October 2019 and April 2022, pursues 4 specific objectives:

  1. The creation of a transnational network of VET partnerships that already cooperate on a national level.
  2. Cross-border cooperation aimed at mutual learning and the exchange of best practices.
  3. The implementation of the VET policy agenda by engaging VET leaders.
  4. Reaching out other potential networks in order to involve them as critical friends while sharing our own experience for the creation of their own regional, national and international networks.

In our project website,, you can find some of the results of our project in the section “project results”. In the section “webinars” you will access to remarkable keynote speakers and VET leaders´ discussions on relevant topics for VET such as digital and blended learning, entrepreneurship or the role of VET in the regional development.

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