Students of Marijampole VET centre (Lithuania) gained new skills, experience and a lot of new impressions during work placements in Malta, Spain (Tenerife) and Portugal.
Marijampole VET Centre (Lithuania)
Their work placements were the final part of Erasmus+ mobility project “Development of professional skills through mobility “No. 2017-1-LT01-KA102-034881. The project was designed for reclamation, road construction and maintenance students in countries where these economic sectors are well developed in the EU. As Marijampole VET centre is the only Lithuanian VET institution which has reclamation and road construction and maintenance programmes, international placements were valuable opportunity for students to improve their professional skills.
The students’ experience abroad enriched them with innovation, improved their professional skills, provided new social, foreign language skills. International skills and interest in European road construction and maintenance innovation will provide greater prospects for students’ future plans and career opportunities.