Newsletter #48-NOVEMBER 2012

EUCIS-LLL invites you to the Lifelong Learning Week from the 26th to 29th of November 2012
EUCIS-LLL organises for the second time a Lifelong Learning Week. Its aim is to raise awareness on the social dimension of education and training, as the important factor to reach the headline targets of Europe 2020 in this field. This year’s edition will take place from 26-29 November 2012 under the title: “Rethinking skills: A civil society perspective”. Both EUCIS-LLL and its members will present a public hearing, workshops and conferences around this topic during that week. Information can be found online. You can register to all EUCIS-LLL and its member’s events on ourwebpage before the 23rd of November.

EUCIS-LLL Public Hearing on “Basic Skills for Inclusive Growth” – 28 November 2012
On 28th of November 2012, EUCIS-LLL organises a Public Hearing in the framework of its Lifelong Learning Week 2012 on “Basic Skills for Inclusive Growth: A civil society perspective”. As the Commission is about to release a Communication on “Rethinking Education: Investing in Skills for better economic and social outcomes” partly aiming to raise the level of basic skills, EUCIS-LLL wishes to underline how grassroots initiatives can equip people with the right competences to become fulfilled, active and employed citizens, and how civil society can help framing the concept and fostering basic skills in lifelong learning strategies. Registration is already open here.

EUCIS-LLL attended the “Access to Culture Working Group on Education and Learning”
EUCIS-LLL participated in the last Access to Culture Working Group on Education and Learning on November 8th to explore further opportunities for collaboration and bring the education and culture sectors closer together. Learn more about the work that has been carried out so far by this Working Group.


Europemobility project final conference
The Europemobility Network organises its International Conference in Paris on 21-22 November 2012. The French National Agency for the Lifelong Learning Programme as well as many other key stakeholders of learning mobility have confirmed their willingness to meet and exchange views and experiences on promoting quality and quantity of work placements abroad. The second day will be dedicated to a visit of the Salon européen de l’éducation. The attendance of the conference is free. For the full programme and registration, visit their website.

EUCEN’s “OBSERVAL-Net consortium” is organising its first On-line Debate 
EUCEN presents its first project On-line Debate from 26 November to 10 December on the topic: “Non-formal Learning outcomes are equivalent to formal Learning outcomes. Therefore, universities should value and assess them equally for purposes of awarding qualifications.” This on‐line Debates on Validation of Non‐formal and Informal Learning (VNIL) in Europe is open to all interested participants and free of charge. More information here.

EURASHE organises a Seminar on “Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)” 
EURASHE organises a Seminar on “RPL: Flexible Ties within Higher Education” in Prague (Czech Republic) on 14th of December. The Bologna process debates have tackled the issue of RPL for the last years. Linked to qualifications, combination of knowledge, skills and competencies, lifelong learning, the development of modern tools of recognition of any prior knowledge, skills and competences and their mutual acceptance within the EHEA is needed now. Registration is here.


Informal meeting of Ministers on future Cohesion Policy added value: a step toward a Partnership Principle for the next European Social Fund? 
On November 6, Ministers for EU Cohesion Policy informally met in Cyprus to discuss the Presidency Issues Paper ““Improving effectiveness and added value of Cohesion Policy” and the non-paper “Governance of Cohesion Policy at Union level“. The Commission and Parliament were also invited. Those discussions are in the line of some Member States’ political will for “better quality spending” in the framework of theMulti-Annual Financial Framework 2014-2020. The added value of the Cohesion Policy, according to the Presidency documents, is notably reflected in its unique multi-level governance model including civil society actors. Read EUCIS- LLL position paperand advocacy toolkit to defend more participation of civil society in the next European Social Fund 2014-2020 through a genuine Partnership Principle. EUCIS-LLL also co-signed a letter along with 42 other organisations initiated by WWF to defend this Principle.

Negotiations on Erasmus for All close to consensus
There may be some light at the end of the tunnel for the ongoing negotiations on the successor 2014-2020 of the Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus for all or “Yes Europe” as Committee Chairman Doris Pack proposed to rename it. The European Parliament’s Culture and Education Committee met on 6 November to assess the progress achieved in discussions with the Commission and the Council on some burning issues of the future text. Mrs Pack seems determined to defend her new proposal for a title and an allocation of 90% of the budget. The loan guarantee scheme for master students was also much debated as it remains a controversy between the different parties. EUCIS-LLL members can find the Committee minutes on our members’ area.

Conference “One step up in later life: learning for active ageing and intergenerational solidarity”, Brussels 19-21 November 2012
On 19-21 November 2012, in the context of the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012, the DG EAC organises a major European conference on this theme in Brussels with around 260 participants. It will focus on developing ideas and orientations for European cooperation in the field of adult learning, in particular on learning as a stimulus for active ageing and on intergenerational learning.


Eurofound publishes a study on NEETs – Young people not in employment, education or training
The report by Eurofound analyses the labour market situation of young people in Europe, with a specific focus on the NEET group. Called “NEETs – Young people not in employment, education or training: Characteristics, costs and policy responses in Europe”, it examines the determinants of belonging to the “NEET group”, and measures the economic and social costs of NEETs. You can read the executive summary or the full report.

Tools for Learning magazine
Salto-Youth EuroMed developed a “Tools for Learning Magazine” to foster the reflection about tools for learning in non-formal education. It targets youth workers active at national and international levels. You can download the publication here.

EAPRIL Conference “Creating competence – Innovations in Learning and Development”
EAPRIL Conference “Creating competence through Innovations in Learning and Development” is now open. The conference will take place in Jyväskylä, Finland, from November 28-30. The conference will engage practitioners, researchers and policy makers as problem-definers, evidence gatherers, and interpreters in research processes. More information here.


Call for Proposals for Social Policy Experimentations
The DG Employment, social affairs and inclusion opens a call for proposals for social policy experimentations. The deadline for submitting proposals is November 15, 2012.

Call for proposals “Support for bodies active at European level in the field of youth”
This call for proposals concerns Action 4.1 of the Youth in Action Programme and its purpose is to provide support for the operating costs of bodies active at European level in the field of youth and pursuing an aim which is of general European interest. Find the call here. Deadline for submission is November 15, 2012.

Call for proposals – Support to European Associations active at European level in the field of European Integration and Education and Training 
The purpose of this call for proposals is to support European associations in the fields of education and training active in European integration subjects, and/or pursuing the objectives of the European education and training policy. Find the call here. Deadline: November 15, 2012


Consultation on “Opening up Education – a proposal for a European Initiative to enhance education and skills development through new technologies”
The EC launched a public Consultation which objective is to explore the perceived need – mainly but not exclusively among education and training stakeholders – for EU action to promote the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and of ICT in education. The consultation is open till November 13.

Consultation on Horizon 2020
The EC launched a consultation on Horizon 2020, the EU’s new programme for research and innovation (2014-2020). Find it here. You can send your ideas to this e-mail address by December 5, 2012.

/// AGENDA ///

November 2012 
26-29: EUCIS-LLL Lifelong Learning Week
28: EUCIS-LLL’s Public Hearing

More events on our website!

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