EUCIS-LLL Lifelong Learning Week 2012: new reports online
More presentations and/or reports of the LifeLong Learning Week as well as pictures from the events are now online on our FaceBook page and webpage. This year’s edition took place from 26-29 November 2012 under the title: “Rethinking skills: A civil society perspective”.
EUCIS-LLL in the CB4LLP project: contributing to capacity-building for a better use of LLP projects’ outcomes
Together with 9 other partners, the EUCIS-LLL Secretariat attended the kick off meeting of the Capacity-Building for the Lifelong Learning Programme (CB4LLP) project on 10-12 December in Pistoia, Italy. Over the next two years, the project aims to facilitate the exploitation of Lifelong Learning Programme projects’ results creating and promoting new Capacity Building methodologies and practical tools for sectoral, regional, national and European stakeholders. EUCIS-LLL will provide its expertise on the EU level and disseminate the project outcomes to a broad array of stakeholders.
EUCIS-LLL participated in the EY2013 Alliance Meeting, 17 December
Yesterday, members of the European Year of Citizens Alliance (EYCA 2013) met. They discussed about the upcoming events of the Alliance such as the seminar on 22-23 January to discuss the implementation of article 11 and the role and space of civil dialogue in times of crisis. Members also discussed about the setting up of national alliances and the need to further disseminate the joint Manifesto. Three new members joined the Alliance with a total of 51 members. The Alliance will receive a specific funding of 300 000 euros to sustain its activities. Three working groups are set, on Participatory democracy, Economic, social and political citizenship and towards an inclusive citizenship for the EU residents.
EUCIS-LLL participated in the EESC Liaison group meeting, 17 December
The plenary session of the Liaison Group, a group gathering members of the EESC and representatives of European organised civil society (OCS), took place on 17 December 2012. Members discussed about the study commissioned by the EESC on the impact of the crisis on civil society in the EU – risks and opportunities. Participants raised some limits of the study; in particular, the fundamental role of CSO is missing. How much do we add on the crisis with such cuts? The group also discussed the programme of the Civil Society Day on 6 March that will be based on the three pillars of EU policies: social, economic and politic. More in the internal section of our website.
“Validation Prize” for most innovative initiatives in the area of the Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning (VNIL)
In the framework of the project OBSERVAL-NET, the “Validation Prize” will reward the most innovative and promising initiatives in the area of the Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning (VNIL) in all sectors and levels of education in Europe. The prize aims at showcasing best VNIL practices to raise awareness about VNIL initiatives among professionals in this area, as well as among citizens eager to have their learning outcomes and skills recognised and validated. The deadline for submitting case studies is 26 April 2013. For more information, visit the webpage or contact EUCEN.
Submit your topic proposals for the EDEN Conference in Oslo, 12-15 June 2013
Make learning a thrilling experience for learners, including providing a sense of joy in the virtual classroom, is the topic of EDEN’s 2013 Conference that will take place in Oslo, Norway, from 12 to 15 of June 2013. Latest best practice in this field will be presented together with innovative solutions as smart use of ICT tools, new methodologies for enhanced learning experience, content management systems, or solutions supported by game based learning. You can submit your proposals for paper presentations, posters, workshops, and short demonstrations that relate to the conference themes until February 5, 2013.
17Now: International Student’s Day
To celebrate the International Student’s Day on 17th of November, OBESSU asked students all over Europe to be active and hold a particular action to celebrate this day. You can now learn more about the initiatives that took place on that day by reading the news at OBESSU website. A video about the 17th of November 2013 has also been shot.
Commission launches EU Skills Panorama to tackle skills mismatches
The EC launched the new webpage “EU Skills Panorama” that presents quantitative and qualitative information on short- and medium-term skills needs, skills supply and skills mismatches. The panorama draws on data and forecasts compiled at EU and Member State level. Despite the current high levels of unemployment, around 2 million job vacancies are available across the EU. The website gives detailed information sector by sector, profession by profession and country by country.
Youth employment: Commission proposes package of measures
The EC proposed measures to help Member States tackle the currently very high levels of youth unemployment and social exclusion by giving young people offers of jobs, education and/or training. The Commission’s “Youth Employment Package”includes a proposed Recommendation to Member States on introducing the Youth Guarantee “to ensure that all young people up to age 25 receive a quality offer of a job, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship within four months of leaving formal education or becoming unemployed.”
MS and EP found an agreement concerning the LLP programmes funding for 2013
The Member States and the European Parliament found an agreement to plug a shortfall in the 2012 budget and ensure the funding for 2013. The agreement will avoid funding problems for other exchange schemes run under the Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus for student mobility, Leonardo for apprentices, Comenius for schools, Grundtvig for adult education).
New ranking for 500 universities
A new ranking rating universities will take place in the first half of 2013 with a new listing called U-Multirank. Five hundred universities from across Europe and the world are expected to take part in this new international university ranking initiated by the European Commission. The ranking will rate universities according to a broader range of performance factors than other rankings. These factors aim at providing a more realistic and user-friendly guide to what they offer.
An EC study underlines that “School partnerships improve pupils’ and teachers’ skills”
Pupils – particularly at secondary level – significantly improved their skills, including cultural and social skills, IT and foreign languages thanks to a school partnership, says a recently published EC study. The impact of the partnerships was strongest when pupils visited partner schools. These exchanges are funded through the Comenius exchange programme, the schools’ equivalent of Erasmus.
Compass – Manual for Human Rights Education with Young People
The Council of Europe published an updated version of “COMPASS”, a manual that provides youth leaders, teachers and facilitators of human rights education activities, whether professional or volunteers, with concrete ideas and practical activities to engage young people in acting for human rights. COMPASS is now available in more than 30 languages and has also a version specifically designed for human rights education with children – COMPASITO.
Study about “the structure of the European education systems” by the Eurydice network
The Eurydice network published schematic diagrams on “the structure of the European education systems 2012/13”. They show the structure of mainstream schooling in 39 education systems, from pre-primary level up to tertiary education. All 34 countries of the Eurydice Network are covered by the study. More detailed information also on Eurypedia.
Europeans for Peace
The Foundation “Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft” (EVZ) offers funding for projects that foster the active commitment of young people for human rights and understanding between peoples. This funding opportunity concerns international project partnerships with a school or a non-school organisation in the countries of Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe or Israel. Projects outlines can be submitted until January 1st, 2013.
UNDEF seventh round of funding CFP
UNDEF opened its annual call for proposals. Projects should “strengthen the voice of civil society, promote human rights, and encourage the participation of all groups in democratic processes”. Project proposals may be submitted online between 15 November and 31 December.
Call for proposals — Europe for Citizens Programme 2012. Actions ‘Active Citizens for Europe’, ‘Active civil society in Europe’ and ‘Active European Remembrance’ – CITIZENS – 2012
Transnational exchanges and cooperation activities that contribute to developing a sense of belonging to common European ideals and encourage the process of European integration are at the core of this call for proposals, as its aim is to bring Europe closer to its citizens and to enable them to participate fully in the European construction. Depending of the area of the proposal, deadlines are on 6/01, 01/06 or 01/09/2013.
Call for proposals for Joint Mobility Projects (JMP) and Joint Degree Projects (JDP) – EACEA/44/12
EU-ICI ECP Education Cooperation Programme refers to EU cooperation with Australia, Japan, New Zealand and Republic of Korea in the field of higher education and vocational education and training. The programme includes regional and bilateral cooperation projects based on joint EU – Partner Countries funding and mutual agreement on the selection of higher education partnerships. Deadline to apply is May