New speakers confirmed at EUCIS-LLL Annual Conference 2013 – 14th May, Vilnius
New speakers have been confirmed for the next EUCIS-LLL Annual Conference on “Rethinking Learning: Transversal competences in the spotlight” that will take place on 14 May in Vilnius, Lithuania: Pierre MAIRESSE, Director of the Directorate A “Europe 2020: Policy development and country analysis”, DG Education Culture, European Commission; Alistair ROSS, Jean Monnet ad personam Professor of Citizenship Education in Europe & Emeritus Professor at the London Metropolitan University (UK); Pavel TRANTINA, Representative of the Czech Council for Children and Young People (CRDM) at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and Dr Byrony HOSKINS, Senior Lecturer at the University of Southampton. Find all details on our website.
MFF negotiations: the Commission answers EUCIS-LLL
Alongside the monitoring of the sectorial negotiations for the new Erasmus for all/YES Europe programme, EUCIS-LLL has been following up on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) talks, notably within the budget working group of the Civil Society Contact Group (CSCG). After the EU Summit of February that has led to severe cuts within the different budget headings, EUCIS-LLL sent on 20 March a letter to the DG Financial Programming and Budget to defend as much as possible the initial 70% increase proposed by DG Education and Culture for the new programme. You can find here DG BUDGET’s response from 25 March; in this letter the Commission renews its commitment for a continuous investment in human capital and its will to “avoid further delays and make sure that programmes will be operational as early as possible in 2014“.
Erasmus for All/YES Europe: state of play
On 27 March EUCIS-LLL sent out to Member States a new communiqué reminding in five points what are operating grants for civil society organisations in the new Erasmus for all/YES Europe programme and why they should be preserved. While trialogue negotiations are going on between EU institutions on the content of the new programme, the Stakeholders’ Coalition set up by EUCIS-LLL and the European Youth Forum also sent to the Commission recommendations on what the future users’ guide of the programme should look like, especially in terms of management and financial simplification. The Coalition will hold a meeting today where this guide will be discussed, as well as the state of play of MFF negotiations and sectorial negotiations.
Policy debate “Rethinking Education”
David Lopez, Scretary General of EUCIS-LLL, represented the Platform in a policy debate on “Rethinking Education” held on March 26th at the European Parliament. The event was hosted by MEP Katarína Nevedalová (S&D), rapporteur for the CULT Committee on the new Commission’s Communication. David Lopez presented key elements of EUCIS-LLL position on “Rethinking Education”: he pointed out the lack of a genuine lifelong learning approach in the text as no mention is made of non-formal and informal learning, but also the need to emphasise more transversal competences. Besides, he welcomed that the Communication acknowledged the importance of partnerships and reminded the crucial role played by civil society organisations of all levels.
EDEN Annual Conference 2013: the Joy of Learning
The European Distance and E-learning network (EDEN) opens registration for its conference on the joy of learning and open e-learning with Sugata Mitra, winner of the TEDPrize 2013, as keynote speaker. Find more information about EDEN conference keynote speakers here and register before 7 June.
EAEA Grundtvig Award
EAEA is once again looking for great European projects. This year the theme of theEAEA Grundtvig Award is “Active citizenship and transnational solidarity – Adult Education as a tool against nationalism, chauvinism and xenophobia”. The winner gains travel and accommodation to the EAEA Grundtvig Award Ceremony(Leicester, UK, 6–7 June 2013). All participants will appear in the EAEA Grundtvig Award publication (distributed in EAEA´s events and networks), and gain international visibility via EAEA´s communication channels. The deadline for applications is 7 April 2013.
Two reports on Financing Higher Education
The European Students’ Union (ESU) has now published the Compendium on Financing of Higher Education. It contains the results of an extensive two-year long research project on the aspects of different financing systems for higher education in Europe by exploring the benefits of both public and private funding sources. ESU has also published the Financing Students Toolkit providing its readers with an introduction and guidance for planning and implementing different actions concerning the financing of higher education
Making the EU more attractive for foreign students and researchers
The DG Education and Culture is working on a proposal to attract talented non-EU students and researchers who can contribute to our growth and competitiveness with their knowledge and skills. On March 25 the Commission proposed to make it easier and more attractive for non-EU national students, researchers and other groups to enter and stay in the EU for periods exceeding three months. Experience with the implementation of current legislation has shown that Member States were not able to fully address the difficulties that applicants face when wanting to come to the EU to study or conduct research. The Commission is now proposing to set clearer, more consistent and transparent rules across the EU. The two current Directives on Students and Researchers will be modified and replaced by a single new Directive, which will improve procedural guarantees, intra-EU mobility and transfer of skills and knowledge, access to the labour market and the overall protection of additional groups of non-EU nationals, such as au pairs, school pupils and remunerated trainees, who are not covered by the existing EU legislation.
Funding of Education in Europe 2000-2012: The Impact of the Economic Crisis
Investment in education fell in eight out of 25 Member States assessed as part of a Eurydice study on the impact of the crisis on education budgets since 2010. This is the worrying finding of a new Eurydice report on the impact of the economic crisis on public funding of education, which analyses trends in education spending in 35 European regional and national education systems over the 2000-2012 time span. The analysis covers the developments in education funding from pre-primary to tertiary level and provides an overview of the main trends in the adult learning sector in 31 European countries. The study is available on the Eurydice website in English.
OECD: Trends Shaping Education 2013
What does it mean for education that our societies are increasingly diverse? How is global economic power shifting towards new countries? In what ways are working patterns changing? The OECD Report “Trends Shaping Education 2013” brings together international evidence to address questions like these.
New Eurydice report on Physical Education and Sport at School in Europe
A new Eurydice report on Physical Education and Sport at School in Europe brings to light both key concerns and common strengths regarding sports education in 30 European countries. The report covers primary and lower secondary education and provides an insight into the following topics: national strategies and large-scale initiatives, the status of physical education in national curricula and steering documents, recommended annual taught time, pupil assessment, teacher education, extracurricular activities and planned reforms. It is the first attempt by the European Commission to map the state of play of physical education at school across European countries. The study and highlights of the study are available on the Eurydice website in English.
Practical support to Youthpass in Youth Exchanges
The new publication by Léargas, the Irish National Agency, ‘Recognising Learning in Youth Exchanges’ provides a hands-on toolkit approach for youth workers to support young people in reflecting on their learning, leading to Youthpass.
Call for tenders — Work-based learning approaches in continuing vocational education and training in Europe: practices and policies
The purpose of this contract is to provide a description of the landscape of work-based learning in CVET in Europe; and to identify priorities and insights for effective VET policies. Deadline 15 April 2013. For the full call, check CEDEFOP’s website.
Call for proposals — Erasmus Mundus Partnerships and promotion of European Higher Education
Deadline 15 April 2013. See call EACEA/38/12 here.
Call for Proposals — Youth in the world: Cooperation with countries other than the neighbouring
Action 3.2 — Youth in the world: Cooperation with countries other than the neighbouring – EACEA/10/13. Application open until May 14.
Application open for higher education institutions to participate in Erasmus for All
You are a higher education institution and you want to participate in the new EU Programme for education, training, youth and sports 2014-2020? Apply now for the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, valid for the full duration of the new programme (2014-2020).
Do not miss the deadline of 15th May 2013 or you will not be able to receive funding in the first year of the programme (i.e. the academic year 2014/2015). All relevant information can be found here.
Call for proposals for joint mobility and degree projects
The 2012 ICI (Industrialised Countries Instrument)-ECP Call for Proposals supports co-operation with Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the Republic of Korea by means of Joint Degree projects (JDP) and Joint Mobility projects (JMP). Deadline for application is May 15 2013.
Call for proposals – Intra-ACP academic mobility scheme
Projects under this call for proposals should be aimed at increasing cooperation between higher education institutions in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific to improve access to quality education in those regions and the attractiveness of those institutions. The broader objective is to promote sustainable development and combat poverty through skills upgrade and human capital investment. Deadline for application is 10 June 2013.
Youth in Action Programme
Application forms for permanent calls for proposals 2013
IPTS Online Consultation: Up-Scaling Creative Classrooms in Europe
Take part in the open online consultation, in the context of ‘Up-Scaling Creative Classrooms in Europe’ (SCALE CCR) JRC-IPTS study. The survey takes approximately 20 minutes and the data you provide will be anonymous and confidential. From 25 March to 15 April. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Commission.
/// AGENDA ///
14-15 May 2013: EUCIS-LLL General Assembly and Annual Conference, Vilnius (Lithuania).
More events on our website!