Only a few seats left: register now to EUCIS-LLL Annual Conference, 3 June 2014, Brussels
EUCIS-LLL is happy to announce the organisation of its General Assembly (2nd June) and Annual Conference (3rd June) to take place in Brussels. The topic of this year’s Conference, organised in partnership with the Learning 4 Well-Being Consortium, will be “Turning targets into action: addressing inequalities in education and training” in the context of the Education and Training 2020 Strategic Framework review. It will be a unique opportunity to take stock of more than a decade of community action in the field but also to make concrete proposals for improvement both on the priorities and working methods. This debate is highly timely. The European elections will bring a new Commissioner as well as new Members of Parliament to sustain the work achieved so far, to deliver the ET2020 objectives but also to take stock of its weaknesses and give a fresh start with new priorities and hopefully a renewed political will to make lifelong learning a reality in Europe. This event will be a unique opportunity for stakeholders to voice their concerns and participate actively in finding solutions for the next period 2015-2020. See the draft agenda on our webpage and register!
Elections J-15: new candidate MEPs supporting our Manifesto “Building together the Future of Learning”!
The 2014 European elections will provide the right momentum to think about the future of learning in Europe. Poor access to lifelong learning limits people’s ability to access quality jobs and participate fully in society. We need a vision and a sustainable investment to ensure our education and training systems deliver better for economic development, social and civic participation, personal fulfilment and well-being. The European Parliament and civil society should further engage together in the future of learning. EUCIS-LLL Manifesto “Building together the Future of Learning” comprises 12 principles for lifelong lifelong. Already 24 MEPs or candidate MEPS support them. If you are an MEP and willing to support our manifesto contact us or click here. We also encourage educational stakeholders to launch a debate on the future of learning at national level with their candidate MEPs and to use our Manifesto – already available in (EN) (FR) (DE) (NL) (PT) (PL) (TR) (IT) (HR) (SR) ((EL) (ES) (SV) (RO) to come!)
EUCIS-LLL in Lappland for the CB4LLP project
EUCIS-LLL staff attended this week the third partner meeting of the CB4LLP project – Capacity-building for Lifelong Learning Programme. The project is about helping various stakeholders to imagine better project proposals by building on successful outcomes of projects completed under the Lifelong Learning Programme. EUCIS-LLL already held two workshops to build capacity among its member networks and attended this third partner meeting in Jokkmokk, Sweden to take stock of the progress achieved during the project and prepare the final conference that will take place in Athens, Greece in September. Should you be interested in this conference, please contact the EUCIS-LLL Secretariat.
Activity report 2013: find out what EUCIS-LLL did for its members last year!
Did you know that in 2013, EUCIS-LLL has managed to preserve European civil society organisations structural funding under the new Erasmus+ programme? That we have set up a task force composed of some of the best experts in validation of non-formal and informal learning? That we have given our members incredible visibility in the heart of the European Parliament thanks our Lifelong Learning Week and made them meet high-level EU institutions representatives to defend our vision of education and training? Read about those achievements and so much more in EUCIS-LLL activity report 2013.
EUCIS-LLL Erasmus+ training session: FAQ available!
Following the training session on the Erasmus+ programme organised by EUCIS-LLL on 5 March in Brussels, the Secretariat has made available a FAQof the day along with the speakers’ presentations and useful links. Have a look to know more about the new opportunities of the programme!
“Measuring progress in lifelong learning”: read the general report
EUCIS-LLL organised an international seminar on “Measuring progress in Lifelong Learning” on 5 December in the framework of its Lifelong Learning Week to rethink progress measurement in lifelong learning in a partnership approach, as citizens’ voice should count in defining what is advanced education and how to make it happen. Read the general report finally available!
OBESSU is looking for a Communications and Membership officer
The Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions has opened a call for a Communications & Membership Officer today to join the organisation this summer. Find all information to apply on OBESSU’s website.
EAEA and EU elections: candidate MEPs speak on the importance of adult education
The European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) is currently asking candidate MEPs what lifelong learning means to them and how they will support adult education if they are elected. Read what Martin Schultz has to say on the crucial need to support recognition of non-formal and informal learning outcomes as well as many other statements on EAEA website. In general EAEA is campaigning for more recognition for adult learning in Europe. The OECD Survey on Adult Skills (PIAAC) demonstrates that Europe needs to invest in adult education in the next parliamentary term.
Democratic Europe now! Join the action day on 17 May
Democracy International has launched in February a European-wide campaign for a more democratic EU and a new European Convention supported by a wide range of NGOs including EUCIS-LLL. Together, the group is calling for an EU Convention under Article 48 of the Lisbon Treaty, so that proposals for democratic and other reform can be debated in an open forum. On 17 May will be organised an action day across Europe with various events in numerous cities to call on citizens to vote for a better, more democratic Europe and to press our upcoming leaders to strengthen EU democracy. See the list of happenings on the website and take the opportunity to organise your own!
Open EUCEN Forums // 11-13 June, Warsaw, Poland
Join the European University Continuing Education Network in June in Warsaw for its Open Forums during its 46th Annual Conference on “Lifelong Learning Universities and the European Policies on Social Investment” that will be organised around three central topics: partnerships enterprises/business, social responsibility in universities and transfer theory/practice.The FORUMS will be followed by a round table on University Lifelong Learning in Poland, with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education and the Science Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. Registrations can be made online.
EAPRIL Conference and Best Research & Practice project award // 25-28 November, Nicosia, Cyprus
The European Association for Practitioner Research on improving learning in education and professional practice (EAPRIL) will organise its annual conference in Cyprus in November. Early-bird registration is to be made before 16 October. During the conference will notably be awarded the EAPRIL Best Research and Practice Projects. If you are managing or taking part in a research project of which you think it will contribute to educational practice and the EAPRIL community, we encourage you to submit your project (see EAPRIL website for procedure and selection criteria) by 12 June.
ICERI2014 conference // 17-19 November 2014, Sevilla, Spain
The 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2014) will take place in Sevilla, Spain on 17-19 November 2014. ICERI has become an annual meeting point for lecturers, researchers, professors, educational scientists and technologists. Every year, ICERI brings together over 700 delegates from 80 different countries. Many key topics will be discussed such as global issues on education and research, new educational trends, teacher training, curriculum design, quality assurance, technology in teaching and learning, etc. The conference will provide the ideal opportunity to present your projects and experiences to an international audience. Deadline for abstract submissions: 17 July. Early registrations are until 18 September.
New cooperation agreement: empowering civil society in the EESC and EP joint work
Last February the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions signed a cooperation agreement that is meant to give organised civil society a stronger voice in the monitoring and policy-making process notably through a better coordination of activities, cost-sharing measures, involvement of the EESC in the EP EU Semester work, and the setting up of a Joint Research Centre. See the press release and read the cooperation agreement.
Greek presidency’s “eSkills for Jobs 2014” conference
On 6 May in Athens, Greece, the Presidency of the Council of the EU organised the “e-Skills for Jobs 2014 Grand Event: Mobilising to Support Job Creation and Upskilling of the Workforce” event aimed to encourage Member States to put their hands on the e-skills challenge in the framework of theDigital Agenda for Europe and the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs. The conference notably led to the set up of a Greek National Coalition for the Digital Economy and was the occasion for the Commission to launch the new “eSkills for Jobs” campaign (see press release). Find more information on the conference outcomes and see the new Commission study on “e-Skills in Europe: measuring Progress and Moving Ahead”. Read also about EUCIS-LLL documents and actions in reaction to the Digital Agenda and the Commission’s Communication on Opening Up Education.
New country factsheets on cohesion policy 2014-2020: education ranked top priority
The Commission has released standardised country-specific information sheetson the way the new cohesion policy 2014-2020 will be implemented in Member States. Key aspects such as budget envelopes and investment priorities are presented in English and in the native language for each Member State. More than half of them clearly state education, training and lifelong learning as key investment priorities (CZ, DE, ET, ES, FR, CR, LT, LV, LU, HU, MT, AT, PL, PT, RO, SK, FI, UK). See also EUCIS-LLL actions on the European Social Fund, including the latest joint NGO letter sent to the Commission for a better implementation of the Partnership Principle.
New Eurobarometer: Europeans concerned with the EU and education in 2014
The just released Special Eurobarometer 415 “Europeans in 2014” explores EU citizens’ perceptions on various topics, from their level of life satisfaction to their views on the European, national and personal economic and employment situation, on the main challenges they think the EU, their country or themselves are facing right now, etc. According to respondents the education system is the fourth most important issue their country is facing after public debt, immigration, health and social security system. Levels of social protection including education are also considered as one of the most positive results of the EU. See the full survey.
Latest JRC publication: key recommendations for ICT to support educational systems modernisation
The Commission’s Joint Research Center has issued a study on “Mainstreaming ICT-enabled Innovation in Education and Training in Europe: Policy actions for sustainability, scalability and impact at system level”. The research focuses on the role of ICT as a key enabler of innovation and in particular in contributing to Europe 2020 targets in education and training, and is part of the JRC-ITPS project on “Up-scaling creative classrooms in Europe”. Continuous teacher training, equal access to ICT for learners, fostering innovative pedagogical practices and supporting knowledge exchange are among the key recommendations of the report. Read also about EUCIS-LLL documents and actions in reaction to the Digital Agenda and the Commission’s Communication on Opening Up Education.
CEDEFOP releases a briefing note on Developing Apprenticeships
In this briefing note, the CEDEFOP notably highlights the importance of apprenticeships as efficient ways to acquire technical skills and transversal competences needed for employment and to make a smoother transition from education to work. They are also as a facilitator of transversal cooperation between public authorities, educational institutions, labour market representatives and other stakeholders, as featured in the note with a Danish good practice. See also the recently launched European Alliance for Apprenticeships.
Call for proposals – Erasmus+ Key Activity 3 “Prospective initiatives”
The Commission has released a call for proposals on “Prospective initiatives: European policy experimentation“. The general objective of the call for proposals is to encourage the assessment of the systemic impact of innovative policy measures through field trials in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of education and training systems and youth policies. Applicants can be public authorities, public or private organisations active in the field of education and training or youth, or carrying related activities. Deadline 20 May 2014.
Erasmus Charter for HIgher Education 2014-2020 – EACEA/15/2014
This call for proposals is aimed at higher education institutions (HEI) to provide the general quality framework for their European and international cooperation activities. The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) award is a pre-requisite for all HEIs located in one of the countries listed below and wanting to apply and participate in learning mobility of individuals and/or cooperation for innovation and good practices under the Programme. Deadline 22 May.
Call for proposals “National authorities for apprenticeships”
The objective of the Call is to support the introduction or modernisation of apprenticeships within initial VET systems. It encourages the development of high-quality apprenticeship-type training and excellence in work-based learning in VET through partnerships between National Authorities responsible for education, employment and economic affairs, social partners, relevant intermediary bodies (such as chambers of commerce, industry and crafts, professional and sectoral organisations), VET providers and other relevant stakeholders. The present Call addresses National Authorities in charge of apprenticeship systems, embedded in the initial vocational education and training (VET) systems in each Erasmus+ programme country, or an organisation designated by them. Deadline 26 June 2014.
Yuste Foundation Award for EU transatlantic relations research (Europe for Citizens Programme)
The European Academy of Yuste Foundation announces its European Research and Mobility Grants for European Studies ‘Charles V European Award-José Manuel Durão Barroso‘ and its seventh Summer Doctoral Seminar in Contemporary European Multidisciplinary Studies to take place at the Royal Monastery of Yuste (Extremadura, Spain) in the second semester of 2014. The grants are supported by the European Commission through the Europe for Citizens European Programme. To qualify for these grants candidates should be European or American students in the process of writing a Ph.D. dissertation on the topic of “History, memory and European integration from the point of view of EU transatlantic relations”. Applications for a grant should be submitted by the 30 June 2014.
Public Consultation on Europe 2020
In the framework of the revision of the Europe 2020 strategy, a consultationhas been launched by the Commission to collect stakeholders’ views on the lessons learned from the early years of the Europe 2020 strategy and on the elements to be taken into account in its further development, in order to build the post-crisis growth strategy of the EU. Read soon EUCIS-LLL contribution to the consultation. Deadline 31 October 2014.
/// AGENDA ///
2 June 2014 // EUCIS-LLL General Assembly
3 June 2014 // EUCIS-LLL Annual Conference “Turning targets into action”