Newsletter #85 – July 2014

Cohesion policy: Commission replies to NGOs on the partnership principle
EUCIS-LLL has been closely following up on the elaboration of the new European Social Fund and cohesion policy 2014-2020 where education, training and lifelong learning are among the main thematic objectives. The Platform had contributed more than a year ago to a joint letter from civil society to strongly support the partnership and multi-governance principles that involve stakeholders in the design, implementation and evaluation of EU structural and investment funds. Together with those NGOs, EUCIS-LLL had sent last March to the European Commission a newsletter calling it to hold Member States accountable for their commitment. The Commission renewed this month its strong support to stakeholders’ involvement which was discussed in ESF Committee in June. The Commission also plans to set up a European Community of Practice on Partnership to facilitate peer-learning and capacity-building. Read the full reply and other EUCIS-LLL related actions.EUCIS-LLL at ICALT 2014 conference: enhancing the learning experience through ICT
Thanks to the support of a Erasmus+ Learning Mobility, EUCIS-LLL Secretariat attended on 7-9 July in Athens, Greece the ICALT2014 seminar on Advanced Learning Technologies and Technology-enhanced learning organised by the IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology. Plenary sessions for this 14th edition included interventions from Pr. Sokratis K. Katsikas, President of the Greek Council of Education and Dr. Marco Marsella in charge of inclusion, skills and youth in DG CONNECT. Workshops were notably held on Digital Systems for Open Access to Education and Learning, Adaptive and Personalised Technology-Enhanced Learning or Smart Learning Environments (see full programme). The conference outcomes will feed in EUCIS-LLL database of good practices.EUCIS-LLL summer break
EUCIS-LLL office will be closed from Friday 1 August until Tuesday 12 August.

EAEA Grundtvig Award 2014 for adult learning: apply now
Every year EAEA (European Association for the Education of Adults) gives the EAEA Grundtvig Award to an association or a consortium presenting the best project in adult learning on a particular theme. For 2014, the chosen theme is “Remembering World War I for the Future – Adult Education promoting Peace and Cohesion in Europe”. Thus, if you deal with World War I remembrance, peace education or conflict resolution in the framework of adult education, EAEA Grundtvig Award is your chance to gain international visibility and recognition for your work through press releases, social media, and in EAEA events. For further information about participation, go on EAEA website.9th European Quality Assurance Forum // 13-15 November, Barcelona (Spain)
The 9th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) will deal with “Changing Education; Quality Assurance and the shift from teaching to learning” and will be held in Barcelona from 13 to 15 November. This 9th EQAF will be co-organised by ENQA, ESU, EUA and EURASHE and will be based on practice and research discussions through presentations, workshops and paper sessions in order to improve teachers’ and students’ learning experiences. See the website for practical information, programme and registration.MOVE Congress // 22-25 October, Rome (Italy)
The MOVE Congress 2014, one of ISCA key initiatives, will take place in Rome from 22 to 25 October. The theme of this year’s MOVE Congress will be “Open City-Active City”. It will be the occasion to meet 25 speakers and 300 delegates and to share with them on how to encourage communities to become more physically active through subjects such as “active cities and active schools”, “partnership and cross-sector cooperation” or “Cities without barriers”. You can now register.

EADTU’s Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2014 // 23-24 October, Krakow (Poland)
The EADTU Open Flexible Higher Education Conference of this year will deal with “New Technologies and the future of Teaching and Learning” and will be held in Krakow in Poland from 23 to 24 October. This conference is in line with the reflection on how modern technologies affect higher education, offering new opportunities for teaching and learning. For further information, visit EADTU conference website. Registrations are now open.

EfVET Annual International Conference // 22-25 October, Porto (Portugal)

From 22 to 25 October, EfVET will organise its Annual International Conference in Porto (Portugal) which will deal with “VET-safe port for youth and business”. It will be the occasion to present and study projects about issues such as the recognition of the need of the business community collaboration and engagement with VET Institutions. Further information on the conference website, and you can now register.

Connect-VET International Conference // 9 September, San Sebastian (Spain) 

EfVET and EUCEN are partners in the Connect-VET project which supports improvements in quality and innovation in VET by increasing the sector’s cooperation with rural micro enterprises, higher education and research. On 9 September, Connect-VET will hold its International Conference in San Sebastian (Spain). This conference entitled “Successful cooperation between educators and entrepreneurs”  will be the occasion to meet experts and participants from 17 different countries and to share with them ideas to improve cross-sectorial cooperation. See the conference website for more information and registration.

SOLIDAR: Job vacancies
SOLIDAR currently calls for three officers’ recruitment: a policy officer in the social sector, an education and lifelong learning officer and a finance/administration officer. If you want to apply, go on SOLIDAR website or click directly on the position.


New European Parliament Culture and Education (CULT) Committee
During the first weeks of July, Committee member seats were allocated to newly elected MEPs. Check the new CULT Committee configuration. EUCIS-LLL congratulates Silvia Costa (S&D, IT) that has been elected Chairwoman as well as Andrea Bocskor (EPP, HU), Mircea Diaconu (ALDE, RO), Helga Trüpel (Greens/EFA, DE), Michaela Šojdrova (EPP, CZ) elected Vice-Chairs. The first CULT Committee will occur on 22 July where the EU budget for 2015 will be discussed. Read the full draft agenda.

European Council presidencies trio prioritises validation of non-formal and informal learning
The presidencies trio composed of the current Italian presidency and upcoming Latvian and Luxembourg presidencies of the Council of the EU presented on 17 June their work programme up to December 2015. As for education, training and youth, the three Member States committed themselves to work on a new European agenda for education in the framework of EU2020 strategy review with a focus on the fight against youth unemployment, announcing the ET2020 joint report of 2015 with an improved Open Method of Coordination. A special emphasis has been put on the use of EU transparency tools and the validation and recognition of learning outcomes acquired through different pathways, in particular via non-formal and informal learning. Non-profit organisations in particular will be acknowledged as non-formal and informal learning suppliers, for instance through volunteering. Read the full programme and EUCIS-LLL latest position on validation.

Erasmus programme in 2012-2013: a new record-breaking year!
On 10 July Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou announced that 2012-2013 was a record-breaking year for the Erasmus programme with newly published figures. Since its creation in 1987, the Erasmus programme is one of the most popular and appreciated ones by European citizens and the figures show that each year is better in terms of participation, grant and budget. In 2012-2013, the record of 270 000 students who received a grant to study or train in another European country was reached. The new Erasmus + programme 2014-2020 aims to increase learning opportunities for 4 million people in Europe with an announced 40% increased budget. See also the figures explained. Read also soon the outcomes of the Erasmus Impact Study conducted by ESN.


European Parliament study on Higher Education Entrance Qualifications and Exams in Europe
The Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) of the European Parliament has recently issued a study called “Higher Education Entrance Qualifications and Exams in Europe: a comparison”. This study is a comparison between ten countries, including six from the European Union (France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom) assessing three axes: admission equity, higher education systems quality and ability to encourage student mobility. The study notably highlights that the lack of information for students before making their higher education choices is a widely spread problem, and recommends EU institutions to set up a European registry to gather information on admission.

eLearning papers Learning in cyber-physical worlds
Open Education Europa has issued its 39th eLearning Papers entitled “Learning in cyber-physical worlds”. This issue is a collection of different articles and studies on the convergence between the physical world and the cyber-digital world from which emerged new teaching and learning approaches. The Papers present innovations such as augmented reality or the development of personal devices in the educational context which are opportunities for better learning experiences. To go further, read the full study.

OECD report : Equity, Excellence and Inclusiveness in Education
After the fourth International Summit on the Teaching Profession held on March 2014, Andreas Schleicher and the Summit co-sponsors published a report based on different OECD publications and data such as PISA results. This report is entitled “Equity, Excellence and Inclusiveness in Education – Policy Lessons from Around the World”. This report focuses on what can policy makers do to improve equity, excellence and inclusiveness in education in order to promote high-quality teaching, effective learning environments and ensure school autonomy but not to the detriment of social equity and inclusion. To go further, download and read the full report.

8th EDEN Research Workshop / 27-28 October, Oxford (United Kingdom)
On the 27-28 October, EDEN will organise its 8th workshop in Oxford around the following theme: “Challenges for research into Open and Distance Learning: Doing Things Better: Doing Better Things.” This workshop will be the occasion to meet different stakeholders such as teachers, formal and informal learners, policy makers and ICDE UNESCO Chairs and to discuss the two identified challenges areas – challenges for open and distance learning in 21st century and challenges in undertaking research impact – in an open “Oxford styled debate” in the town of the prestigious university. You can find online more information, the programme and the call for contribution.


Call for tenders: Feasibility study and technical specification on the development of a citizen tool for transversal skills
The European Commission launched a call for tender to make a study on tools to measure and validate transversal skills (mastering of foreign languages or digital abilities for instance) since they are often acquired in the context of informal and non-formal learning. The aim is to determine if such a tool could improve transversal skills owners’ employability and more generally draw new learning paths for citizens and enhance their self-assessment. Further information and tender annexes here.


Public Consultation on Europe 2020
In the framework of the revision of the Europe 2020 strategy, a consultation has been launched by the Commission to collect stakeholders’ views on the lessons learned from the early years of the Europe 2020 strategy and on the elements to be taken into account in its further development, in order to build the post-crisis growth strategy of the EU. Read soon EUCIS-LLL contribution to the consultation. Deadline 31 October 2014.

/// AGENDA ///

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