No one is left behind

No one is left behind

NSB No One Stays Behind project partners joined on 8 March for the first follow-up meeting of 2023!

This was an opportunity to make an overview of the development process of NSB website (coming soon) and of the work carried out until now by SERŠ Maribor, I.I.S Marchesi and Episkopi Secondary School, and by EPATV – Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde for the three first results of the project – NSB AppE-book for Mentors and Digital Guide “Summer School”, respectively.

Partners are now preparing for the NSB Learning Activity to hosted by SERS Maribor, in Slovenia, between 8 and 12 May, where they will learn more about the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) methodology applied to training.

Information about all activities related to NSB are accessible on NSB Facebook and LinkedIn.

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