Partners of VENHANS gathered in Brussels (BE) for the last time before the conclusion of the project

Partners of VENHANS gathered in Brussels (BE) for the last time before the conclusion of the project

Partners of VENHANS VET European networking Enhancement project (funded by the Erasmus + programme, under the call Networks and Partnerships of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers) gathered in Brussels (BE) for the last time before the conclusion of the project (end of September) to participate on its Final Events and last Steering Committee Meeting. During three very successful and fruitful days, partners also had the opportunity to participate in conferences, on a Networking session and to focus on the last steps of VENHANS project. Moreover, the Silver Expert Group met to discuss its mission, vision and future activities to be held in the scope of VET4EU2 platform. Kent Andersen and Raimo Sivonen, EfVET Honorary Members, are part of this Group. 

Figure 1 Expert Silver Group, at VENHANS Final Events (21.09.22)  

VENHANS Final Events 

On September 20th,  VENHANS coordinator Guilia Meschino (EVTA) welcomed all partners and VET representatives, public authorities, companies, experts and relevant stakeholders to the Conference held in the European Parliament entitled Striving for Excellence, Training for the Future. In this session,  the panel of speakers, which included João Santos and Anna Barbieri (European Commission), Arja Flinkman (EfVET Vice President – Policy), Theodor Grassos (EVBB), Matti Isokallio (EUproVET) and Marta Rodrigues (EURASHE) shared their perspectives and discussed with some of the participants issues connected to the promotion of vocational excellence, internationalisation and network in Europe and beyond, and provided their opinion about the legacy of VENHANS project and what can be done to improve cooperation between EU Associations of VET providers members of VET4EU2 platform.  

 Figure 2 VENHANS Conference Speakers’ Panel (20.09.22) 

VENHANS GO & Learn Learning, Training, Growing: Partnerships between Companies and Educational Institutions session was held in the afternoon of the second day, after a morning where VENHANS partners and Silver Expert Group members had the chance to participate in Networking activities.  

This session had three parts: the first dedicated to the presentation of the GO & Learn model (by ENAIP NET) and GO & Learn node in Czechia, an EPPAS local/regional cooperation success case presented by Stefano Tirati (EfVET Vice President), after EPPAS request; an interactive session focused on LDJ Problem Solving Method (ENAIP NET) opened the second part of the session, which was concluded by ETF with a presentation about the importance of establishing regional cooperation for international mobility; the third and final part of the session was dedicated to the presentation of practical cases brought by institutions from the Balkan countries of Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo. 

Figure 3 VENHANS Go & Learn Event (21.09.22) 

VENHANS Final Steering Committee Meeting 

On September 22nd, VENHANS Steering Committee gathered in a blended format meeting for an overview of VENHANS project’s achievements and to discuss the closure of some of the project’s deliverables, before focusing on the final reporting, on which all partners will be focusing after the project’s conclusion period.



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