Paulius Čepas

Paulius Čepas is the director of Kaunas technical vocational education centre and a scholar awarded the PhD in social sciences. Studied psychology (B.A., 2001 and M.A., 2003) and education at Vytautas Magnus University where he earned his PhD degree by successfully defending the dissertation “Modelling of the development of the employability competency in vocational education and training” in 2008.

Dr. Čepas started his career as a vocational education teacher in 1999, later becoming the Head of vocational education department. In 2009 he acquired the category of teacher supervisor, followed by the second management category in 2010. Worked as a lecturer at Vytautas Magnus University and Aleksandras Stulginskis University from 2004 to 2011.

Paulius has been actively involved in the initiation and implementation of programmes of initial and continuing vocational education and training matching the demand of the labour market as well as the application of the European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET) in the vocational education system of Lithuania employing his experience as a national expert of ECVET.

Dr. Čepas has been an active member of Lithuanian academic society, the fields of his interest being vocational education and training, employability, development of organisations and psychology. He publishes research articles and participates in conferences and trainings annually in the field of vocational education and training.

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