Addressing the current and Future skIll needs for sustainability, digitalization and the bio-Economy in agriculture: European skills agenda and Strategy (FIELDS) project meeting was organised by UNITO and FOODDRINK EUROPE on the 11 and 12 April in Brussels.
During three days, a full agenda allowed partners to participate in deliverable activities aimed at strengthening their connection to ensure the continuation of a fruitful cooperation between them, and to discuss the progress done so far in the development of all of FIELDS results.
Before this project meeting, partners were invited to join Agrifood Pact for Skills and Blueprint conference. In the beginning of the conference, the word was taken by Jonas Lazaro (EU official from DG Grow) who presented the Pact for Skills. After, participants could enjoy listening to different experiences of Pact for Skills in Italy, Netherlands, Ireland, Latvia and Portugal; as well as the outcomes that are having in different projects such as EQVEGAN, ASKFOOD, SD4S, EFFAT, GEOPA, Young farmers. In addition, there were closing speeches from COPA-COGECA and FDE.
After a joyful lunch, the last project meeting started, with different presentations of partners (Confagri, Lva, Wur, Aeres, Icos, Pa, Confagri and FDE) giving their updates about the working packages they were working on. These included the presentations of WP2, Priorities and strategy design, WP4 Implementation and WP5 Sustainable action Plan.
The following day, WP7 Dissemination and communication and WP6 Quality Assessment were presented by partners (Actia, Fiab, Gaia, Iseki, Certh, Infor and Cepi). After it, the final meeting was closed, and partners will continue finishing the tasks as the project is arriving to the end.
EfVET is supporting the Pact4Skills to ensure all learners have acess to quality upskilling and reskilling opportunities.