Private Sector’s Role in Vocational Training

UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD) and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) realized a conference on “Private Sector’s Role in Vocational Training- Lessons Learned from Turkey” Conference in June 13, 2013, in Istanbul.

This conference has been remarked the launch of a global network for private sector in vocational training, focusing on the modalities that the private sector can employ in complementing the role of the state in providing employment services needed for sustainable and inclusive growth.

Here is the Meeting Minutes;

  • 5 important projects were discussed. UMEM (Specialized Vocational Training Centers Project) Project was started by TOBB, TR Ministry of Labour and Social Security, TR Ministry of Education and TOBB Economy and Technology University in 2011. The Project is currently implemented in all 81 provinces of Turkey. Since 2011, abour 4682 courses have been started and 31 125 people have been employed. MLMM (Vocational Education: A Crucial Matter fort he Nation) Project was started by Koç Holding and TR ministry of Education. In the framework of the Project the model has been developed which is about School-Business Matching Partnership. BUTGEM Project was started by Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2009. Every year, almost 3000people are trained in different sectors such as textile, automative-metal, mechatronics, computer software and hardware. OZIMEK (Special Administration Vocational Training Courses) Project was started by İstanbul Provincial Administration, İstanbul Provincial Directorate for National Education, İstanbul Provincial Directorateof Turkish Employment Agency (ISKUR) and İstanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC) in 2007. Since 2007 the number of trainees was around 30 000. SÜTAŞ (Karacabey Vocational School Cooperation and Sütaş Dairy Husbandry Education Center) Project was started by Uludağ University in 1996. Till today, over 14 000 course students and 23 000 entrepreneurs received training and consulting.
  • The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and UNDP İstanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD) have initiated the Global Alliance for Sustainable Development in order to realize following goals:

1) To promote the new approaches in skills development including through the involvement of the private sector in design and delivery for more sustainable employment and irreversible poverty reduction.

2) To facilitate partnerships among governments, private sector and other stakeholders to help improve development impact through skills development initiatives that mobilize private actors.

3) To share the experience on public-private partnerships and private sector-led initiatives in vocational training and facilitate knowledge transfer

4) To promote research on and sharing of lessons-learned across LDCs as well as developed countries about how to cooperate with private sector for effective skill generation and inclusive employment.

Global Alliance for Sustainable Development is open to the partnerships with Private Sector Actors, Academia, Governmental Bodies, National and International Civil Society Organisations in order to develop market-born solutions, business-led skills, research and development facilities and inclusive markets, to foster policy dialog as well as provide integration of the disadvantegeous groups to the economy.

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