Professional Development Opportunities for VET Staff in Edinburgh

The Placement Factory is an international career development specialist offering bespoke training opportunities to graduates and undergraduates, field research programmes for professionals and development program partnerships with international educational organisations.

The Placement Factory (UK)

In partnership with Edinburgh College, The Placement Factory is now offering professional development opportunities specifically designed for vocational teaching staff. This unique programme allows participants to observe Vocational Education in practise in Scotland, carry out industry visits while also receiving English language tuition.

Managing Director, Fanette Genais Macpherson comments

“I am very excited to be able to offer this unique new service. We have a huge experience in organising industry visits for vocational staff but feedback from participants and comments from schools made us look at creating this new package which covers three essential areas of professional development: English Skills, Teaching Skills and Industry Knowledge.”

The English language development programme tailored to the needs of the participants, will provide sessions designed to increase confidence in using English in a range of everyday, work and classroom situations.  Communicative skills will be developed, vocabulary extended, and grammar activated using a variety of up-to-date and authentic materials.  Sessions will be delivered by experienced and highly qualified ESOL lecturers.

As part of the programme participants will have the opportunity to observe vocational classes at Edinburgh College enabling them to compare and contrast their own classroom practice with professionals in Scotland.

Participants will also be able to attend industry visits related to their field of teaching giving them the opportunity to identify the current trends in their industry here in Scotland and compare it with those in their home country.

These specific programmes will run 2 to 3 times a year and will be open to Vocational Teaching staff with a minimum level of English of B2; dates for 2018-19 are still being finalised but should be available shortly. Places will be limited so please contact Fanette Genais Macpherson to register your interest and receive further information and details.

Contact Fanette Genais Macpherson to find out more about our services,

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