Promoting a Peace Program in VET

The High school Virgen de las Nieves (FP Empresa/Granada, Spain) is promoting an “equality plan” for the course 2019-2020. This plan promotes and develops “Learning Based on Interdepartmental Vocational Training Projects” with a focus on the “School, Peace Place Program.” This includes didactic activities and the promotion of civic values. Even more,  the programme is improving the teaching-learning processes in our professional training studies.

High school Virgen de las Nieves (FP Empresa), (Spain)

According to the calendar of activities of “School, Peace Place Program”, the following activities have been developed:

  • International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25th November)

Department of Carpentry and Furniture: Equality ties, 2.5 meters high with the title“Stay with who dreams with you and not with whom you take away your dreams” With this activity, our students have developed their skills in search and cataloguing of colour code information through ICT, logistics and development of economics skills, materials recovery, interpretation of drawing projects, design, cutting and surface treatment of the wood and use of tools such as the milling machine, decoration, choice of materials, paint, forms of application of primers, sealing and finishing, recycling and respect for the Environment. Students have become aware of the importance of eliminating this and any type of violence.

Electronics Department: Several ties in biodegradable plastic material,  with the title “Lazorazón“, it’s a mixture of a loop and a heart, symbols of solidarity entwined in one piece was designed and printed using 3D Printers. With this activity, our students have developed their interpretation and design skills, using ICT in the design, development and lamination of the proposal through CAD and Slicers applications, in addition to the use and programming in CNC languages ​​for subsequent lamination in 3d printers. He has also known the importance of the use of biodegradable materials in line with our policies of sustainability and respect for the environment as well as the concept of solidarity and importance of the commitment in defence of the universal rights of gender equality included in our Equality Plan.

Department of Carpentry and Furniture ( a proposal of the management team): The “Equality Tables” have been developed, designed, painted and decorated. With this activity, students have planned, recycled and valued wood recovered from old pallets that have been treated, painted and decorated to carry out solidarity messages related to happiness, equality, decision-making capacity and respect for women. and the human being in general. Phrases from the writer Laura Chica have been selected, “365 appointments with you”, promoting reading among students. These tables/messages have been published and commented in different academic levels to analyze the social reality where we live.


  • Peace Day (January 30)

Department of Machining and Carpentry“Heart of Equality“.With this activity, students are developing their capacity for synthesis, coordination and organization of raw materials, logistics, interpretation of drawing projects, as well as the use of the different tools needed to work the metal: cutting, folding, welding, finishing, painting, design and development of presentations, use of ICT for planning and design. Additionally, collaborative work and interdepartmental coordination have been the link that provides students with peer learning and development of the spirit of solidarity, sustainability and a symbol of equality between men and women, also promoting environmental care through recycling.

Electronics Department: The design and printing of a “Dove for Peace” is carried out as a symbol for the High School for the Peace Day celebration. The development of this activity has consisted of the design and printing by means of 3D Printers using biodegradable plastic material, with the title “The World in Peace“, symbiosis of a globe and a dove, peace symbol. With this activity, our students have developed their information search and design skills through ICT, development and lamination of the proposal through CAD and Slicers applications, in addition to the use and programming in GCode for CNC for subsequent manufacturing using 3D printers. They have also known the importance of using biodegradable materials according to our sustainability and respect for the Environment policies. They also understand the solidarity concept and the importance of the commitment in defence and promotion of Peace.



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