Quality mobility in VET: from matching learning outcomes to sustainable partnerships
The global pandemic has become a real challenge for educational institutions implementing international projects and Erasmus+ mobilities. States imposed quarantines suspended international students’ internships and the usual way of learning. This is a time for discussions on how to improve international mobilities in the future, when borders will be opened again, and students will have the possibility to travel. For this goal, Karalius Mindaugas vocational training centre is implementing a strategic partnership project “VISION” (no. 2019-1-LT01-KA202-060748).
Sustainable partnership – for a unified assessment of learning outcomes
Together with the project partners from Italy (Essenia UETP), The Netherlands (Nova College) and Finland (Savon koulutuskuntayhtyma), Karalius Mindaugas vocational training centre aims to meet the challenges of international strategies and mobilities implementation by creating sustainable network of partnerships equipped with the necessary knowledges, skills, work tools and instruments. The project aims not only to describe learning outcomes during the international mobility, but also to organise mutual learning events, share good practises about organising high-quality mobilities in the field of professional as well as general mobilities field.
“The most common challenge in organising international mobilities is how to match the expectations, opportunities and planned solutions of the three parties – the learner, educational institution and the host organisation or company. With project “VISION” the aim is that the knowledge and competences acquired by students during the international internship, would be accepted upon their return from the internship; we also aim to agree on learning outcomes, which will be assessed in the same way in all project partner countries. For this purpose, the project will describe the learning outcomes, process of the abroad acquired competencies assessment. We also aim to create assessment tools, which will contribute to improving the quality of mobilities – says Andriejus Muntianas, Head of development department. When a student returns from international internship, the learning outcomes achieved by him/her will be formally credited and recognised.
ECVET application in the implementation of mobility
With project “VISION” we aim to develop an instrument kit for a sustainable ECVET (The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training) partnership in the field of beauty sector qualifications. “Specifically, we focus on hairdressing and beautician vocational training programs. Our Centre is a leader in the training of these professions in Lithuania, so we are constantly looking for high-quality international internship opportunities for students. Regard to the project, students from Lithuania, Finland and The Netherlands will improve professional skills and key competences by participating in high-quality geographical mobility – says A. Muntianas.
For the project implementation, it was established ECVET requirements-based partnership between organisations and vocational training centres from Lithuania, Finland, Italy, and The Netherlands. This partnership brings together organisations with mobility charters to demonstrate the quality and sustainability of international strategies.
In 2018, Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre was awarded with “Erasmus+” Vocational Training Mobility Charter for implementing high-quality international projects and long-term internationalisation strategy. This facilitates the implementation of international strategy, but at the same time also poses new challenges – to maintain the quality of the mobilities and increase the number of international partners. Regard to strategic partnership projects, our Centre expands international cooperation in Northern and Western Europe, initiates the improvement of mobilities and international internships. Project “VISION” will be implemented until July 2021 and achieved results will be available to all VET organisations in Europe.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.