Questionnaire on Volunteering (EY2011)

Dear all,

In order to prepare our Annual Conference on volunteering, which will take place in Krakow on 9 May 2011, we are launching a very short questionnaire on this issue (see attached).
The idea is to collect good examples/projects/expertise on volunteering within education and training to share during our Annual Conference and afterwards to publish all the data collected within our members. Furthermore, our Working Group 1 on the social dimension of education and training will follow up this issue and probably work on a short publication/position paper related to volunteering.

Please fill in the short questionnaire attached (4 questions) and send it to me before Friday 15 April 2011.

Best wishes,


EUCIS-LLL Platform

Project Officer

25 rue d’Arlon

B-1050 Brussels

Tel. + 32 2 234 61 36

Fax. + 32 2 234 61 81

Download the questionnaire

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