Realising Integration through Social Enterprise

The Erasmus + funded project “RISE – Realising Integration through Social Enterprise” had its fourth transnational meeting in Ireland. The RISE intends to work on the integration of socio-economically disadvantaged adults and young people into the labour market. It is mainly concerned with the education and training processes leading to the set-up of a social enterprise.

Insignare (Portugal)

During the meeting, the partners visited several best practices:

  • BNest (, a social enterprise ‘incubator’ situated in the Nexus Centre, which is a purpose-built Innovation Centre at the heart of the University of Limerick.  It is a hub of activity where entrepreneurs can develop, collaborate and grow;
  • East Clare Community Co-operative Society Ltd (, a social enterprise co-operative with a number of interdependent activities from support provision to training and cultural events, to facilitating new enterprise creation.

The project will deliver two outputs, which received significant inputs during the meeting:

  1. A comprehensive report produced outlining the nature and extent of best social enterprise practice in participating countries (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Romania and Portugal);
  2. Guidelines in setting up a social enterprise.

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