Refitting Machine: Gain digital skills through Arduino & STEM Education

Eurosuccess Consulting: Refitting Machine – Gain digital skills through Arduino and STEM Education

Refitting Machine is an Erasmus+ project which begun in 2020, with the purpose to promote a high level of employment through the creation of competence, qualified, and adaptable workforce, through the acquisition of skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The project will facilitate the acquisition of skills by promoting multiple learning approaches and providing support to all learners, including those in disadvantaged conditions or with specific needs.

As the labour market is constantly evolving, the required skills and qualifications change over time. To face such change, the Refitting Machine project has identified a specific field of intervention to equip target groups with different skills: the recovery of obsolete machinery through Arduino

Who will specifically benefit from the project?

  • Students
  • Recent graduates
  • Long-term unemployed and NEET groups
  • VET organisations, local authorities, employment centres, policy makers
  • Trainers and researchers in the field of STEM education


  • Experts Programme Toolkit a comprehensive toolkit used to create a set of training materials, providing high quality knowledge and skills needed to modernise existing machineries, so as to make them “smart” and more adaptable to today’s requirements of the manufacturing industry.
  • ICT Tool for Competence Assessment an online tool to evaluate the knowledge and starting skills of the target group, identify their needs and provide useful skills so they can enter the world of work (
  • Gamified e-Learning Platform: an open digital platform that hosts all educational material (Experts Programme Toolkit) in the form of a game (


After working hard to test the develop products and improve them according to the needs of the target groups, the project partners will implement a series of events in each country (Italy-Cyprus-Greece-Spain-Romania) to inform participants about the project and ways to use the developed results.

In Cyprus, the event will take place in November 2021, where participants will learn more about machinery revamping, Arduino, and STEM education.

Who is involved?

The project is a product of strategic partnership between organizations and enterprises from:

  1. Italy: Petit Pas (project coordinator)
  2. Cyprus: Eurosuccess Consulting
  3. Spain: Dramblys
  4. Greece: Institute of Entrepreneurship Development
  5. Romania: Ludor Engineering and Informatics Liceum Grigore C. Moisil


Find out more about the Refitting Machine project by contacting us via email at or by visiting:

Eurosuccess Consulting website:

Project website:


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