“RISE – Realising Integration through Social Enterprise” project has successfully reached its end
“RISE – Realising Integration through Social Enterprise” project has come to its end with success. Coordinated by VHS Vienna, an Austrian Adult Training provider, reunited VET and Adult Training organisations from Belgium (EU Warehouse), Germany (Hamburger Volkshochschule), Greece (DAFNI KEK), Ireland (LCETB), Portugal (INSIGNARE), and Romania (Media Partners).
These partners were able to develop and release two main outputs:
- A “Collection of Social Enterprises / Social Entrepreneurship projects best practices”, which gathers a relevant and diversified number of social companies and projects, with several target groups, coming from the project partner countries;
- A “Template for Presenting Guidelines in Setting Up a Social Enterprise”, which presents a complete set of the main points that any institution with the intention to start a social enterprise or to teach how to do so can follow.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the last two meetings were held online, in September and October, where, besides working on the project outcomes, as well as in the administrative, financial, and communication areas, Romanian and Portuguese social entrepreneurship national framework were explained. Best practices from these two countries were shown, with representatives from social companies or socially innovative projects being invited for the discussion.
The two products can be analysed and downloaded from the project website at the project website.