Measuring Return on Investment from EU VET Industry


ET2020 Strategic framework declare that mobility is “the ultimate element of lifelong learning and important means to enhance flexibility and employability”.

ROI-MOB came out the idea of partners, committed in VET mobility, to:

  • Improve quality of their offer
  • Have adequate tools to make traineeships abroad more attractive for young people
  • Identify more hosting companies able to give valuable opportunities
  • Increase businesses awareness of the benefits from hosting and employing people who experienced mobility

Exploit innovative tools in order to measure effectiveness of mobility actions, plan and coordinate financing channels, evaluate possible adjustments, upgrade governance systems of training, both at local and European level.Identify and test some indicators capable to measure the Return On Investment (ROI) in EU VET mobility, especially for 19+ years old participants, EQF levels 4 and higher, investigating affecting factors and devising methods and tools for turning them into success factors. More specifically, its objectives are:

  • Increasing quality in learning mobility
  • Attracting more participants in EU mobility
  • Attracting more hosting companies in EU mobility
  • Supporting policies for mobility either at institutional and at provider/intermediaries level.

Expected results

  • A survey which documents factors perceived as drivers in EU VET mobility by stakeholders
  • A set of indicators for ROI measurement in EU VET mobility
  • A report on actual ROI of EU VET mobility in partner territories and organizations

A toolbox which collects the project results and offers guidelines to replicate processes and measures. Furthermore, it will contain also recommendations for mainstreaming findings into mobility policies at both local and institutional level.

Coordinator: Istituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali – IFOA, ITALY

Contact: Luca Boetti –


  1. Regione Emilia Romagna, Italy
  2. Universita’ degli Studi di Padova, Italy
  3. Arbeit und Leben Hamburg, Germany
  4. Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Germany
  5. International Consulting and Mobility, Spain
  6. EUROYOUTH, Portugal
  7. EfVET, Belgium

Duration: 01.09.2016-31.08.2019


Brochure – ROI-MOB_Brochure_final

Book – Measuring the return on investment


Issue #1

Issue #2

Issue #3

Issue #4

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