The European Commission selects the SAAM project (Supporting Alliance for African Mobility) for the Pilot Vocational Education and Training Mobility (VET) funding. The project is led by the Spanish VET training centre Centro San Viator (Bizkaia) and coordinated by the Spanish Organization for international mobility, Asociación Mundus, both members of EfVET. Additionally, the partnership includes EfVET and other EfVET members such as INSIGNARE, ANESPO, MCAST, Scuola Centrale Formazione and IKASLAN.
Centro San Viator (HETEL FP) / Asociación Mundus (Spain)
The results of the Pilot Vocational Education and Training Mobility (VET) mobility scheme in Africa (EAC/S34/2018) were published last January 13th. The European Commission confirms its commitment to invest in young people, education and skills.
SAAM project (Supporting Alliance for African Mobility) led by the Spanish VET training centre Centro San Viator (Bizkaia) and coordinated by the Spanish Organization for international mobility, Asociación Mundus, was one of the two unique projects awarded and has been funded with €4 million.
SAAM (Afrikaans word meaning TOGETHER) is a partnership coordinating 32 VET organizations across 8 EU Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain) and 17 African countries (Angola, Benin, Cabo Verde, Eritrea, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Tunisia, Chad, Mali, Burkina Fasso and Gabon). This outstanding partnership gathers a huge network of VET providers, NGOs and European “umbrella” organizations in the sector of VET and Youth. In this regard, EfVET is one of these umbrella organisations and it is in charge of preparing and implementing a training program for the African and European teachers through a Thematic Team.
SAAM aims to contribute to the improvement and modernization of Vocational Training in 17 African countries, as well as to strengthen the relationship between VET and the labour market. To achieve this goal, SAAM will generate mobility of VET professionals and students from various technical areas. This alliance aims to promote the exchange of ideas and techniques between regions, improve the skills of teachers and students, improve the standards of both the quality of management and training and finally improve the curriculum pathway of the VET centres.
SAAM will promote that, over 40 months, more than 300 young Africans will do internships in European companies. In the same way, 70 European teachers and 135 African teachers will visit the centres of their counterparts in the other continent to perform a “job shadowing” that will allow them, among other things, to understand the philosophy, culture and customs as well as the professional training system of the host country. By the end of the project, both European and African professionals will have improved their knowledge about internationalization, transparency tools and educational itineraries
SAAM activities have already started in January 2020.