The 4th project of Safety4el meeting was hosted by MCAST (EfVET Member) college on. The partner discussed on containing training modules and videos.
The Safety4el is using the British system as a reference and match the other countries system against it. To do so, during the meeting partners listed the light, level, and objectives of the different countries to relating to safety issues. All countries are regulated by some common European standards but can have some national variations.
Safety Cases
The project consortium compiles online multimedia safety cases (video, sound recordings, and photos) for training risk assessment.
Draft course curriculum
The Bridgwater and Taunton College (EfVET Member) presented a draft course curriculum, which will be tested during a short -term course in 2019. After testing the partners will recruit online testers to check the “stand alone”
During the workgroups, group B “Policy making and concrete planning of how the major players in each of the players in each of the countries and across Europe. The main recommendation involves the standardisation of European Cart for Safety issues and be recognised by the European countries. This could be done either by the ECVET or EQF. We approached policy makers in their own countries and disseminate the recommendations resulted from the discussion to them and get feedback. The final recommendation will be done by EfVET in cooperation with all the college team.
Next dates
In addition, SAFETY4el team partner will be attending the EfVET Conference to be held in Como (IT), offering an opportunity for us to share our development activity, videos and etc during the Roundtable event on Friday 26th 2018.