SCF-INN project: distance learning comes close

SCF-INN project: distance learning comes close

The issue of new technologies applied to training is extremely topical today. Due to the Covid-19 emergency, teaching activities in Italy have been suspended for several weeks now (in some regions since the end of February) and teaching can only be carried out by distance learning, in the methods and with the tools available.

However, these themes are not new to Scuola Centrale Formazione. Since 2013, the national association representing 46 training centres in 11 Italian regions has been investing on these themes through the INN Project, a methodological model to support innovation in the field of VET, which allows its members to operate at their best in their training contexts.

Thanks to the Erasmus KA2 “Mo.L.VET 2.0.20 – Mobile Learning in VET towards 2020″ project – which won the VET Excellence Award in the category “EUROPEAN FUNDS for Excellence” in 2018, SCF and its members further promoted m-learning in teaching methodologies and vocational training, aiming at the modernization of VET systems.

The application of distance learning to face the immediate closure of the schools, however, is a big news that surprised everyone and certainly represents a challenge (from many points of view) that involves both trainers and learners to give an answer which is not that of the resignation.

The training centres associated to SCF have promptly activated to maintain the relationship with their students and make sure that the emergency doesn’t stop learning, even though it is very difficult to face the virtual class from one day to another.

Scuola Centrale Formazione has recently approved a series of initiatives aimed at supporting its Members in the management of this delicate and new phase (programming of distance learning moments; support to manage the activities) also with the aim of networking and enhancing the experiences of individual members, sharing and improving teaching materials on the various disciplinary areas.

Among the initiatives recently approved by SCF aimed to support its member:

– a cycle of training sessions with 6 national webinars has started on March 23rd with 807 participants from all over the Country, addressed to all professionals (management groups, trainers, coordinators and tutors, technicians) who are now managing distance learning for their trainees. A further calendar of additional national webinars is under development;

– Lab webinars: 47 modules already planned on the use of applications and programs for teaching (GSuite applications on three levels of difficulty) and methodologies adaptable to distance learning but also appropriate for innovative classroom teaching (Instant Learning Episodes, Flipped Classroom, methodologies for inclusive teaching and engaging lessons). These lab webinars are for smaller groups (max 25 people each) for a total number of 200 hours of training (of which about 160 in synchronous and the remaining of asynchronous activity tutoring). 370 trainers are involved in these ongoing lab webinars. The planning is evolving and the numbers are growing.

Through the SCF-INN project Scuola Centrale Formazione continues its commitment also through purchase of equipment: 500 Chromebooks for our learners. Further resources will be published on our new SCF-INN Facebook Page, a space where we share contents and updates on technology and training.

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