Thematic Teams Seminar 2022
EfVET organised the Thematic Teams Seminar 2022 which took place from May 3 to 5, 2022 in Lyon, France.
The event was hosted by SEPR (Société d’Enseignement Professionnel du Rhône) and attended by more than 130 VET practitioners mostly from the European Union and Western Balkans countries.
The seminar was conceived to boost the collaboration among the Thematic Teams, giving them the possibility to experiment new formats of collaboration and learn from each other.
Members of all Thematic Teams, namely Internationalisation & Learning Mobility, Industry and Technology 4.0 in VET, Entrepreneurial Learning, Tourism, Sustainability through VET, Technology Enhanced Learning, and Inclusive Vocational Excellence, organised working activities, presented success stories and held workshops aimed at generating new synergies among them.
More specifically, two parallel working sessions were held every day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon – plus additional field visits were organised in relevant organisations in Lyon. Keynote speakers also intervened to give some inspirational insights.
EfVET collected activities and workshops proposals by its Members to be carried out during the parallel working sessions.
The Full Agenda of the Seminar is available at this link.
French Policy in Terms of VET and LLL, Antoine Foucher, Quintet (FR)
Developing Long Term Mobility for Apprentices, Jean Arthuis, Euro App Mobility (FR)
The Worldskills Competitions to Promote Excellence in VET, Aurélia Ruetsch, Worldskills France (FR)
Worldskills Ecosystem Contributing to VET Attractiveness, Elsa Furtado & Aurélia Ruetsch, Worldskills France (FR)
RUORI Assessment Tool (Inclusion), Jussi Kajander, Luovi (FI)
Cross-Mobility as a Solution to Long-Term Apprentices’ Mobility (Dual Training), Claire Challande, SEPR (FR) & Sara Botti, CRMA AuRA (FR) + others
In Search of Synergy: Thematic Teams Explore How Technology (and TEL) Can Support and Boost Their Initiatives, Tibor Dori, AHDE (HU) & Fernanda Torres, INETE (PT)
Tutoring: Learning Activities and Tools for Professional and Personal Development, Paolo Nardi, COMETA (IT)
Collaborative Approach to Be Ready for Future Skills Needed, Niina Puumalainen, YSAO (FI) & Andre Schoonhoven, Roc Da Vinci (NL)
Internationalisation@Home: 3 Examples of Projects Moving from Theory to Practice, Cécile Aillerie, SEPR (FR), Lucia Mancino, Uniser (IT) & Miia Tolonen, Luovi (FI)
Erasmus+ without Papers: What It Is and How to Get Started, Heidi Jokinen, Kpedu (FI) & Andrea Lombardi, Uniser (IT)
Reveal Everyone’s Potential through an Empowering Environment, Isabelle Durif-Varambon & Julie Fréry-Privé, SEPR (FR)
Hands on Technology as Pedagogical Tool: Sharing and Testing Different Methods and Approaches, Fernanda Torres, INETE (PT), Margarida Coutinho & Thomas Azcue, Dream Shaper (PT)
SCoopConSS: Introduce and Enhance Cooperative Business Education in VET Schools, Carlos De Olagüe Smithson, FPEmpresa (ES)
Innovative Development of Practical and Entrepreneurship Skills, Dovilė Rudokaitė, Kaunas Technical Vocational Education Centre (LT)
Gohar Grigoryan, CEFPA Armenia (ARM)
Alessandro Brolpito, European Training Foundation (IT)
Mirsada Mehremic, International University of Sarajevo (BIH) – INTERVET WB project
Dimitrija Angelkov, SOU Kiro Spandzov-Brko Kavadarci (MK) – INTERVET WB project
Alfredo Garmendia, Centro San Viator (ES) – SAAM project
Western Balkans Pilot Projects from EfVET Members: Which Opportunities for VET Schools in the WB, Ilaria Perin, ENAIP (IT), Lucilla Morelli, Uniser (IT) & Nicola Alimenti, Apro Formazione (IT)
How Do You Make Internationalisation Part of the Curriculum?, Danielle Scholtes & Ella Put, Nuffic (NL)
PR.E.S.T.O. Inclusive Mobility for Learners with ID, Saskia Dies, Incoma (ES)
Entrepreneurship: From Mindset to Action, Mahdi Souleiman Omar, SEPR (FR) & Paolo Nardi, Cometa (IT)
Erasmus Without Papers: The Case Study of “Moving Generation” Platform, Andrea Lombardi, Uniser (IT)
SELFIE Based Institutional Digital Development Plan, Tibor Dőri, AHDE (HU) & Gaby Tinnemeier, BBS Soltau (DE)
Inclusion, Empowerment, and Internationalisation: Making Internationalisation a Joint Mobility, Tanja Halttunen, Axxell (FI)
LifeComp Masterclass, Heracles Sioulis, IVEPE SEV (GR)
LifeComp Framework for Tourism Education, Nicola Alimenti, Apro Formazione (IT)
The Conference of the Future: Workshop for Innovating the EfVET Conference, Andre Schoonhoven, Roc Da Vinci (NL), Niina Puumalainen, Yla Savo (FI) & Selene Pavan, Incoma (ES)
CoVE: From the Project Design to the Implementation, Cécile Aillerie, SEPR (FR), Luca Lombardi, Uniser (IT) & Paolo Nardi, Cometa (IT)
AR in Vocational Education, Justina Pluktaite, SPSCH Pardubice (CZ)
Application of VR in Teaching Young People with Fewer Opportunities, Alfredo Garmendia, Centro San Viator (ES)
Home Alone: Students and Teachers Exchange About the Challenges of Online Learning and How to Build a Resilient Recover from the Pandemic, Fernanda Torres, INETE (PT), Tibor Dőri, AHDE (HU) & learners, SEPR (FR)
Internationalisation and Learning Mobility TT Workshop: World Cafe to Define Members’ Expectations and Objectives, Int & LM Coordinators
VET 4.0 – Four Scenarios for the Future of VET, Kari Puumalainen, YSAO (FI) & Vibeke Holtum Norgaard, TEC (DK)
The Integration of Migrants & Refugees through VET, Paolo Nardi, Cometa (IT) & Coralie Perrot, SEPR (FR)
Incoming Mobility: A Concrete Way to Develop Internationalization@home, Viktorija Cesuiko, Uniser (IT) & Lorena Sassi, Scuola Centrale Formazione (IT)
How a Successful VET KA1 Project Can Lead to a New KA2 Project Proposal, Melanie Huyghe, Heilig-Hartinstituut T. O. (BE)
Greening, Sustainability, and the SDGs in TVET, Louis Aquilina, MCAST (MT)
LIFE FOSTER: A Project Which Is a Best Practice Case on Food Waste Prevention and Circular Economy, Francesca Danda & Silvia Giopp, ENAIP (IT)