Peer-learning activities with VET experts and employers – microcredentials
Craft College (Zagreb, Croatia) together with partners from Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Montenegro is implementing the Erasmus+ project Microcredentials – A New Path for Capacity Building in VET funded through the Call Building Capacities in VET. The goal of the project is to strengthen the capacities of the VET sector through the analysis and definition of microcredentials in VET in order to support the relevance, accessibility and responsiveness of VET institutions and systems to changes on the labour market.
One of the key elements of the project are peer-learning activities which are organised in transnational and national manner. In the first 9 months of the project partners have organised 1 transnational PLA on the topic of examples and experiences in microcredentials in Europe with participation of 35 representatives of VET schools, national agencies for qualification and VET, ministries of education and employers.
In the first national PLAs partners have shared the ideas of microcredentials with 80 VET peers in project partner countries. Although it may be the first time in some cases that VET experts and employers have gained more elaborated information about microcredentials, almost all agree that microcredentials are a necessity in today’s world of work.
Of course, the understanding of how the microcredentials should be embedded into the national educational systems varies – from formal to non-formal, from direct link to NQF-s to programs outside the NQF-s, prerequisites of learners etc. In the coming months partners will finalise the national analysis with the comparison of systems as well as national definitions of microcredentials which will be shared will all relevant decision makers and actors in the VET systems.
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