Start of a new project SIGE – Social Inclusion Through Gamification
Craft College is a partner in the new Erasmus+ KA2 project SIGE – Social Inclusion Through Gamification, which started in October 2020. Partners are Erasmus Learning Academy (lead partner), Fundacja MODE (Poland), Primary school “Sveti Sava” (Serbia), CFIE de Ebro (Spain), Demetrius Association (Romania) and The Comparative Research Network (Germany). Despite the Covid-19 pandemic partners started working online via different collaborative tools.
The project partners are engaged in exploring the educational potential of gamification and game-based learning as an innovative instrument for enhancing active participation, engagement and inclusion in education and in society. The main objective of the project is to support the social inclusion of low skilled adults with a migrant background or belonging to a minority by contributing to the development and increase of a flexible blended gamified learning offer. The partnership will design a modular blended upskilling learning course that addresses the key competences in an innovative way and allows the recognition of prior knowledge. The course will integrate game-based mechanics and game thinking to turn the learning process as a whole into a game as well as practical apps and tools to use games as part of the learning process. The project aims additionally to empower adult educators to use gamification and game-based learning to deal with diversified groups and improve the quality of their teaching practice.
Partners have already started to analyse the learning needs of the target group in relation with key competences through a desk and field research. Partners are consulting relevant data and state of art on the educational needs of the target group in order to increase knowledge of the local and national contexts. Moreover, partners are reaching out to 280 people of the target group (40 per country) via questionnaires and are conducting interviews with adult educators working with them. The results will be used to develop the contents of the learning course tailored to the needs of low skilled adults with a migrant background or belonging to a minority.