STEP-UP: improve tutors' qualification & develop dual training forms

Project “STEP-UP”– for the improvement of tutors’ qualification and development of dual training forms

Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre participates as a partner in the international Erasmus+ project “STEP-UP”. The project develops intellectual products for masters working in a dual learning environment. Dual training is a method of vocational training in which theoretical and practical vocational training is separated and carried out in two places: the theoretical part – in the vocational training institution and the practical part – most of the training period – in the company.

The project analyses the experiences of partners from Spain (Salesians Sant Vicenç dels Horts; Federacion de Plataformas Sociales Pinardi), Italy (Camera di Commercio Italo-Germanica (AHK); Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro Ente Strumentale Regione Piemonte), Germany (Universitaet Bremen) and Lithuania (Lithuanian Business Confederation), and organises mutual learning seminars on the topics of dual training organisation. The aim is to develop an innovative pedagogical model for improving the qualification of masters working in companies.

“Since we organise the training at Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre using the principles of dual training, this project is especially useful and relevant. The project activities will aim to strengthen the pedagogical competences and ability of practical training specialists who work in vocational training centers and companies to adapt to new educational challenges and rapidly improving digital technologies,” says Mr. Andriejus Muntianas, Head of the Development Department of Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre.

Developing the module on how to use smart childbirth mannequin

“Noelle” – is a smart childbirth mannequin with a simulation of baby birth and resuscitation, which allows future paramedics to prepare to provide assistance during childbirth. With this smart mannequin you can get to know the biomechanism of childbirth in depth, to improve Leopold’s manoeuvre and tactile skills, to determine the position of the fetus, listen to the heartbeat of the fetus with a stethoscope, perform resuscitation of the born baby and many other important functions.

Rūta Matulevičienė – Head of Health Care Department of Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre, and Karolis Klimavičius – Paramedic Vocational Teacher – during the project “STEP-UP” develop detailed instructions and video algorithms for practitioners on how to use the smart childbirth mannequin “Noelle”.

“Technology is moving very fast, and we are moving together with them. Future paramedics at our Centre gain practical skills using the most modern equipment. It is great when we can share good practice internationally” – says R. Matulevičienė.

Remote meetings of the project

Due the COVID situation in the world, international project meetings mostly take place remotely. In 2021 Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre has organized two international trainings for teachers and tutors.

First trainings took place remotely on February. During these trainings primary instructions on how to use the smart childbirth mannequin “Noelle” were introduced. The final result of the project STEP-UP will be detailed instructions and video algorithms for practitioners on how to use the smart childbirth mannequin “Noelle”.

Second trainings were organised remotely in April, where 16 participants from Italy, Germany, Spain and Lithuania were acquainted with the activities of sectoral practical training centres, success stories as well as challenges of work-based learning in Lithuania.

Project results

Although the STEP-UP project is still being implemented, the project results is being actively developed. As a main results, achieved in the project, will be made analysis of apparent good practice of technical, pedagogical competences and innovative approaches for the training of trainers, tutors and staff engaged into work based learning approaches.

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