Sustainability in European construction education: a green wave

Sustainability in European construction education: a green wave

KA2 project Constructing a green wave in VET (short: Green Wave) has been underway for a year now. A teacher survey and a student survey have been conducted to measure the extent to which sustainability is reflected in our curriculum. The most striking result from these surveys is that teachers think that sustainability is well interwoven and that it receives sufficient attention in the lessons; however, students indicate that they do not or insufficiently see this reflected. The October 2022 Teacher Training Course (TTC) has therefore been a valuable activity. The results of the surveys may lead to a follow-up to the TTC.

The project team has so far delivered two webinars. The first webinar, about Biobased building, was actively used as teaching material by project partners after its introduction. The second webinar, about the circular use of building materials via de Stadsmijn Achterhoek, was recently presented and it has also been said that it can be used in lessons in Spain, Italy and Denmark.

All project partners have started writing lesson plans. Each school chooses for itself which topics related to sustainability are covered in its lesson plans. We use a standard format for this, in English, so that all lesson plans can be used freely by all partners after the project.

Looking ahead to the last year of the project, we will make one or two more webinars, and we will deliver a pedagogical didactic model. Also we will organise a multiplier event; a big closing – online – event, where we present all project results to stakeholders in the participating countries (teachers, students, internship companies, trade unions, etc.).

The Green Wave project is going well – thanks to the active, inspiring attitude of all participating partners, the project produces good, useful results.

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