Synergy in Learning and Cooperation

A New Concept of Leadership Training that considers the diversity of culture and generations as an asset.

“Diversity, or the state of being different, isn’t the same as inclusion. One is a description of what is, while the other describes a style of interaction essential to effective teams and organizations.” — Bill Crawford, Psychologist

M&M Profuture Training (Spain)

M&M  is a partner in this project funded by Erasmus+. The SiLC project aims to develop a multigenerational/cultural tools for MSM E&Os (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise and Organization) to be used in training, coaching and in teams.

Silc is a new concept of leadership training that considers the diversity of culture and generations as an asset. A New Concept of Leadership Training that considers the diversity of culture and generations as an asset. The main goal is to implement innovative tools that support workplace learning in diverse composed teams.

In an era of globalization, competitiveness and rapid changes organizations need to be innovative (ET2020) to create a competitive advantage. However recent demographic developments (lower birth rates and ageing) makEurope’s workforce shrink (Pew, 2015)! Since the nineties, the European decision-makers anticipate this development with new policies, like stimulating the labour participation and learning of the elderly.

Shortly we will cooperate with up to 5 generations in the workplace! According to research (Bontekoe 2011), the innovative power is hindered by different generations not optimally working together.


SiLC will be implemented by a partnership of 6 partners from The Nederlands, Check Republic, Bulgary, Romania, Latvia and Spain.

SiLC aims to:

  • increase the development (learning and cooperation) of multigenerational/ cultural teams to its fullest potential (use the innovative power of the diverse team)
  • reveal the innovative and competitive potential of the MSM E&Os by offering an innovative solution to easily start working on diversity (bottom-up).

SiLC creates an approach and tools to support:

– operational leaders to be able to work on the job with their (diverse) team to learn and cooperate to the optimal

– facilitators to work (in a flexible way) on SiLC in Mini, Small and Medium Enterprise and Organizations leadership development.

SiLC instruments with practical tools and instruction to be used by team leaders at the workplace different intellectual outputs will be developed.

  • A handbook for facilitators of team leaders with generational and culturally diverse teams – supporting Leadership in Micro Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and public + non-governmental Organisations (MSM E&Os): Supporting Leadership in MSM E&Os.

The main aim of the handbook is to provide the educators with insight into:

  1. a) leadership development and
  2. b) specific dynamics of the diverse teams in MSM E&Os.

A Team Leader’s Toolbox: “On-the-job-learning” and team building tools to improve and boost the performance of generation and culture diverse teams in MSM E&Os.

The online toolbox will consist of instruments that the team leaders in MSM E&Os can use to prevent generation and culture diversity-related problems and improve the performance of their teams. The primary audience of the toolbox will thus be the team leaders whereas the primary audience of the activities included in the toolbox will be the members of teams in MSM E&Os.

Curriculum for education facilitators:  Developing Competences for Leadership of Generation and Culture Diverse Teams in MSM E&Os: “a portable mini-curriculum”.

The curriculum seeks to help the education facilitators to respond to this particular need of the team leaders of MSM E&Os and will complete the whole set of outputs to provide a complex solution for MSM E&Os.

Fostering learning and cooperation in diverse MSM E&O teams: a handbook for team leaders

The handbook is designed for TEAM LEADERS of MSM E&Os that face the challenge of a diverse workforce (and seek to increase their competences in this area) or that seek to improve their level of preparedness by developing the skills and competences of their team leaders.

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