Team2Share Transnational Project Meeting in Kalamata, Greece

Team2Share Transnational Project Meeting in Kalamata, Greece

The Team2Share project held its first in-person transnational project meeting in Kalamata (Greece) between the 4th and the 5th of October of 2022, hosted by Greek partner K.A.NE. Social Youth Development.

During the first day of the meeting, partners had the chance to get to know each other after multiple online meetings and started the discussion with a review of the status of the project, stage of implementation and the updated timetable. Afterwards, the ongoing tasks regarding IO2 were reviewed among all partners, to agree and set new deadlines for the completion of the output. Finally, some proposals on the structure of IO3 were presented and partners agreed on the working procedure for the task.

On the second day of the meeting, dissemination activities were discussed, making a summary of the activities undertaken until the present and reflecting on the future ones. To finalise the Team2Share transnational meeting, the coordinator of the project presented the evaluation and monitoring aspects of the project, as well as its management and coordination.

Partners also set the dates for the next two transnational meetings, which will take place in Ankara (Turkey) and Vienna (Austria), in May 2023 and June 2023, respectively. Partners were glad to meet in person for the first time as it was a great opportunity for networking and consolidating the common work in the Team2Share project.

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