Team2Share event in Bucharest

The Romanian partner organisations from the Team2Share project – European Media Connections (EMC) and  the National Institute for Scientific Research in the Field of Labour and Social Protection (INCSMPS), on the other – organised final multiplier events on August 31st, respectively, in order to present and promote the project rationale, its objectives and the results obtained.

during the event of the project, emphasised the added value of the project results, namely the Training programme for teachers/mentors/trainers working with low-skilled or socially challenged adults and the Training programme for low-skilled adults seeking to acquire or improve the basic competences needed to navigate through daily life and to obtain labour market insertion, both being replicated on two state-of-the-art digital apps, firstly for the target group and secondly for the organisations, institutions and policy makers in the field of education, social protection and labour. In addition, the discussions addressed the indirect economic impact of the project as the business environment, especially SMEs, could help integrate adults from the target group on the labour market, thus having a work force for basic/essential tasks and providing these adults a means to and end and also a starting point for further development. Lastly, the organisers presented the Guidelines for Formative Monitoring and Assessment of learning outcomes, consisting in a collection of methods for formative performance monitoring, including numerous methods of performance assessment in various formats, aiming to increase performance motivation through targeted and helpful feedback. The Guidelines are easily accesibile on the two digital apps. As such, the project was greeted with enthusiasm by both representatives of the civil society and public institutions/authorities which offered feedback as to how it could be further implemented and promoted, at the same time expressing interest in collaborating with the organisations of the project.

The events organised by the Romanian partners targeted seniors, minority representatives, socially and economically challenged adults, adult education professionals and experts, teachers, trainers, psychologists, representatives of public institutions and authorities, as well as NGOs working in the field of education, social protection, migration, labour, business, and IT&C.

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