The PECVET project meeting: between working on assessment procedures and discussing teachers training courses
The PECVET project meeting took place in Dresden, Germany, from the 10th to the 11th of March 2020. The goal of the meeting and staff training was to work in group focusing on assessment procedures for Learning outcomes, Mobility Guide, and Methodological Guide.
Unfortunately, the staff training meeting planned to be held the following day has been cancelled due to coronavirus to avoid the spreading of the virus. Therefore, the partners had a short presentation about SBG foundation, did a short tour of the main department, and visited some laboratories.
SBG Dresden is a private, non-profit training provider whose core activity is initial vocational training and further education in the fields of natural science (chemical and pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, paints and coatings industry) and technical environmental protection. As an inter-plant vocational training centre within the German “dual” VET system, the SBG is closely cooperating with the industry and organising the practical training in accordance with its needs.
The pilot plant for the training of chemical operators was brought on operation in 2001 and considerably expanded by the inclusion of additional space in 2011. The offers for practical training were supplemented by a multi-use facility for medical and thermic ground operations, trainee place for SPS, a flow testing facility, and a machine for plastic converting.
Partnership from Germany and Norway discussed how they could increase teachers training courses through the learning outcome-based modules for their field, using National Qualification Framework.
Next meeting was intended to be in Brussels in May 2020, however, the project consortium is currently reorganising planned events, including a postponement of the originally planned staff training in Dresden to autumn of 2020. In the meantime, the team will continue creating learning outcome-based modules for the field/industry by using ECVET and NQF/EQF principles.