Like every January, these first days of the year call us to reflect on the goals we want to achieve for the new period that is opening up before us. In many cases, we propose numbers that would be unattainable if we did not carry out a deep analysis that allows us to understand the degree of work that we must assume, but above all, the responsibility that rests on our shoulders and that in no case should we underestimate. Therefore, we want to share with all of you the secret of our successes in the Erasmus + program.

We opened the year 2022 with students from Lithuania and Spain (many other students would come later), and they arrived in Limassol full of enthusiasm and the desire to prove themselves by doing the job they had been studying for over a year. We welcomed them with the diligence and affection that characterises us, delighted to demonstrate our commitment to their education and without fear of assuming responsibility for a part of their professional future. These students returned to their countries after a period of one and two months respectively, developing their professional skills in different leading companies in the restaurant and service sector, with extraordinary results, which were not only reflected in the feedback received from students and educational institutions, but also by the employers who welcomed these students and who, willing to share their day-to-day knowledge, took responsibility for another part of the working future of these students. This is what Erasmus + is about and the opportunity it offers students to travel to other countries to grow professionally, (and without forgetting the personal growth), to accept the responsibility we have towards them as a training and host institution. At ShipCon we talk about excellence and quality, with the responsibility that this also entails, and the guarantee of international accrediting organizations such as NEBOSH and OPITO, but what makes us continue to grow and work are the job placement results that we achieve for the young people who decided to take the opportunity to participate in an Erasmus + mobility with ShipCon. VET is a modality that offers students the possibility of studying what they really want, a “student privilege” that educational and host institutions should know and have the wants to train for the job of the future; precisely another point closely related to the responsibility of having an impact on education, because if we are not capable of offering the experiences that the market is demanding, these young people will be condemned to unemployment, or in the best cases, to devote their efforts to tasks different from those that were formed in during the VET they chose. Here lies the importance of maintaining a competent team and up-to-date collaborators and workers, so that the quality of the service offered is maintained and the satisfaction of our students reflects it, which, after all, it is for them that we all work. We closed the year 2022 with more than 800 students, the purpose that we have reconsidered this year is not to exceed the number of the last year, but to apply as the best candidate in which a student can decide to invest part of their time for their future career. Thank you for reading us and do not leave us your comments on social networks. We improve together.





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