The second project meeting of INNOVET was hosted online by EfVET 

The second project meeting of INNOVET was hosted online by EfVET 

The second INNOVET project meeting was held online on the 21st of January 2021, hosted by EfVETIt saw the participation of all the other partners involved, including VET Colleges and Mobility Institutions: UNISER (Italy), SEPR (France), Ylä-Savo College (Finland), TEC (Denmark)Incoma (Spain), Roc Da Vinci (Netherlands), Heilig-Hartinstituut T. O. (Belgium). 

An initial update on Admin, Dissemination and Quality was provided, a content related part followed which synthesizes what will be the future of the project and the shaping of the structure of the conference itself. 

Following an initial exchange regarding what the focus areas of the project could be – which the partnership started during the kick-off meeting – partners discussed the themes to be addressed during the seminar, planned to take place in June. Several different priorities related with Internationalisation and Learning Mobility and the VET 4.0 were explored. 

Such exchange brought to a priority map tracking some common themes like the future of VET, virtual mobility and virtual study visits. However, some other topics were also outlined: Sustainability and internationalization@home, among the others. 

Quality Criteria for selecting the best practices and a discussion on the structure of the conference were also addressed. This meeting was also an opportunity to answer to the different questions that the partners had, in particular regarding some aspects of both the Thematic Teams on VET 4.0 and Internationalisation and Learning Mobility. 

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