The SELFIE WBL piloting project kicked off today online
Earlier in May, the Joint Research Centre launched a call for tenders for Piloting SELFIE for work-based learning contexts in VET (SELFIE WBL). The call was intended to target 3 countries specifically: Germany (LOT 1), France (LOT 2), and either Hungary or Poland (LOT 3).
The aim of this Tender is to conduct pilot studies of SELFIE WBL in Germany, France, Poland, and Hungary to test the tool and receive feedback in view of improving it before its eventual online launch. More specifically, the goal is to develop, implement and validate the SELFIE WBL tool that can be useful to VET schools, companies and policymakers at local, regional, national or EU level.
EfVET has been actively engaged in the area of Digitalisation and Technology Enhanced, via the participation in different working groups established by the European Commission, as well as via the Thematic Team that has been dedicated to Technology Enhanced Learning and via other Erasmus+ projects aiming at promoting the digitalisation of teaching and learning methodologies in VET.
This call for tenders was perceived as a great opportunity for EfVET to further pursuing the work on the digitalisation sector linking it to the work-based learning sector which is very much in line with our Strategic Plan 2019-2021.
EfVET has been awarded all the lots which means we will be carrying out the Piloting experience in the 4 above-mentioned countries. The offer was the result of a shared work between EfVET and its Members, specifically with:
Germany: BBS Wirtschaft I Ludwigshafen – European School of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate
France: SEPR- VET centre in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Lyon et Annonay
Hungary: Association for Hungarian Digital Education (AHDE)
Poland: Polish Foundation of the Opportunities Industrialization Centers “OIC POLAND”
Slovenia: The Association of Slovene Higher Vocational Colleges who will lead the Qualitative Research Component of the Pilot project across the different countries
The kick off meeting took place online on the 22nd of July 2020 and representatives from EfVET and its National Members and Partners attended. The meeting brought together representatives from DG EMPL and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, and the European Training Foundation (ETF). One interesting aspect of the kick off meeting was the fact that it brought together representatives from SEE T countries (more specifically representatives from Serbia, Montenegro, and Turkey) currently involved in the Piloting of the SELFIE WBL tool, with the support of ETF and JRC. One other possible addition to the Piloting phase of the SELFIE WBL tool is Romania. One representative from the MoE of Romania attended the meeting with the main aim of understanding the purpose, workplan and timelines expected for the Piloting process.
It was a very successful meeting with very positive outcomes and synergies built between all those involved in the process.
We will keep you posted on the developments of this pilot experience.