The SHVET project: from Smart Homes to Smart Communities
Automation and smart technologies are bursting innovation in the building construction sector, as well as in every other social, cultural, and economic context. Houses, villages, cities are harnessing new smart technologies to improve the quality of life of their users and citizens.
The Erasmus+ KA3 project “Smart Development of HVET for Highly Skilled and Mobile Workforce” has developed the new joint qualification of the Expert in Building Automation for Croatia, Slovenia, and Italy. In the final phase of the project, partners have developed national curricula of the Expert in building automation and submitted it to the competent institutions for verification. In order to ensure future joint cooperation, partners have defined the joint parts of the curricula and prepared a cooperation agreement. This will ensure future mobility of VET students and learners and the implementation of the joint qualification.
The final phase of the project was also dedicated to reach out to the stakeholders and different target groups, namely, VET teachers and trainers, students, and employers.
In three train the trainer events organised in partner countries more than 50 VET teachers, trainers and mentors have participated. The events have presented the methodology and purpose of the new joint qualification but have also enabled participants to acquire new knowledge in building automation by dedicating a significant part of the training to theoretical and practical lessons. The feedback and satisfaction of the participants was very high with great endorsement of the new joint qualification.
To promote the joint qualification and ensure sustainability, partners have organised in all three countries roundtables with employers. On the 5th of November partners have organised a virtual joint roundtable Building the Future of Construction: Automation, 3D and Digital Evolution with the focus on VET students. At the event three speakers have presented topics around digitalization of the construction sector to more than 100 participants. As first speaker, Leonidas Paterakis, from FabLab Venice, has presented 3D printing of buildings and the possibilities of building automation in such buildings. Đani Kajtaz, from the American company AVIR, gave a great insight into recent developments and technology used in building automation in USA with special focus on luxury homes. Last speaker was Igor Kulašič from Siemens Slovenia who presented Construction 4.0 and how smart buildings and digitalization are changing the sector of construction.
On the 20th of November partners organised the final conference “From Smart Homes to Smart Communities”. The event provided an opportunity to gather different experts to discuss the policy context, examples of implementation and preparation of workforce for the transition to smart technologies.