Thematic Teams

Thematic Teams

EfVET Thematic Teams (TT) were established in 2018 with the main purpose of:

  • Become a “think tank”, opinion leader, a point of reference for VET in a specific field
  • Aggregate members’ expertise in a specific field
  • Promote innovation and business opportunities among members

There is huge expertise among our members on specific and different sectors. This expertise, beyond the business’ exploitation, may offer a priceless channel of communication, not only among EfVET and its members, but also among the European Commission, other Stakeholders and organisations outside EfVET.
The communication between sectoral experts may support sectoral networking, exchanges of high-level experiences and practices and valuable upgrade on the sectoral content itself. This high-level knowledge will promote VET in European level and abroad regarding its image, consistency and efficacy.

The establishment of these different working groups have allowed EfVET to:

  • Open up a communication (sectoral) channel between EfVET and its members
  • Attract new members, via the added value (sectoral content + sectoral networking)
  • Promote EfVET image, size, consistency, efficacy
EfVET Thematic Teams are currently focusing on the following areas:

Global VET

Internationalisation & Learning Mobility

What do the Thematic Teams do?

  • Workshops: meeting twice a year, 1 at the margins of EfVET conference; plan and implement workshops and round tables at the annual conference;
  • Policy feeds: contribute as and if necessary, to policy reflections and statements within own field/domain; providing inputs for surveys, papers, researches;
  • Innovation: identifying and sharing successful practices on the specific areas by stimulation interaction and cooperation among EfVET Members and key stakeholders active in the specific field of the Thematic Team.

Interviews to Thematic Teams Coordinators

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