TP Team Member

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Sanna Ryökkynen

Sanna Ryökkynen is an experienced vocational education and training (VET) professional with over 20 years in education. Her visions, ambitions and mindset have been developed by seeing the VET field from different perspectives: as a teacher, a manager, a researcher, a developer and an innovator. Currently, she is a principal research scientist at Häme University

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Justina Pluktaite

Justina Pluktaite has a wide expertise in national and international educational projects (LLP Erasmus Mundus, LLP Students and staff mobility, National platforms, YIA, Erasmus+ KA1-2, EEA GRANT, etc.) within youth, school, higher education and vocational education and training sectors. For a few years she was consulting on project development and management. Aside from that, Justina

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Essi Ryymin

Essi Ryymin is a researcher, educator, and solution-focused coach with a Ph.D. in education sciences. Currently, she works as a principal research scientist and teacher educator at Häme University of Applied Sciences, HAMK Edu Research Unit. She has extensive experience in global education reforms, including vocational education and training and VET teacher training. Her research

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Claus Brandt Kristensen

Claus Brandt Kristensen is senior advisor at the vocational college the Centre for Vocational Education Lolland Falster (CELF). Claus is advising the college management on matters regarding internationalisation and sustainability. CELF is the consortium leader for a large national ERASMUS+ mobility consortium, and CELF is also a UNESCO Associated School Partner. Claus has more than

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Rijn Ijssel

Rijn Ijssel: Wij leiden jou duurzaam op: voor een plek op de arbeidsmarkt van nu en straks én voor actieve deelname aan de samenleving. Wij delen de interesse die je voor een vak hebt of helpen je die te ontdekken, zodat je later goed voorbereid de toekomst tegemoet gaat.

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