Top tips for preparing an Erasmus + application as identified during the EfVET 23rd Annual Conference in Porto
António Nunes National Agency Portugal
Rosaleen Courtney & Marny Thompson
Successful KA2 Applications
Getting organised
Call for proposals, priorities & deadlines
Programme Guide
Key Action Guide for Applicants
Expert evaluator guide
Application form
PIC & mandates
Round 1 Award criteria
Maximum score
Balance of project 30
Quality of project design and implementation 20
Quality of project team and cooperation arrangements 20
Impact and dissemination 30
Total 100
Relevance of Project
Contribute to priorities ET2020
Use EU tools
Justify need in each partner country
Clear measurable objectives
Show innovation
Priorities – tackle youth unemployment, VET more attractive, emphasis on WBL, recognition non formal & informal, partnership business & HE
EU tools – ECVET, EQF, EQARF, Europass, QA systems
Research all partner countries to justify the need- clear rationale and research on what already exists e.g. resources
Develop skills – digital, employability, entrepreneurial, linguistic
ET2020 four strategic objectives for the framework:
making lifelong learning and mobility a reality – progress is needed in the implementation of lifelong learning strategies, the development of national qualifications frameworks linked to the European Qualifications Framework and more flexible learning pathways. Mobility should be expanded and the European Quality Charter for Mobility should be applied;
Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training – all citizens need to be able to acquire key competencies and all levels of education and training need to be made more attractive and efficient;
Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship – education and training should enable all citizens to acquire and develop skills and competencies needed for their employability and foster further learning, active citizenship and intercultural dialogue. Educational disadvantage should be addressed through high quality inclusive and early education;
Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training – the acquisition of transversal competences by all citizens should be promoted and the functioning of the knowledge triangle (education-research-innovation) should be ensured.
Partnerships between enterprises and educational institutions as well as broader learning communities with civil society and other stakeholders should be promoted.
Compile a clear plan for implementation
Link budgets to convincing explanations
Ascertain tangible outcomes and qualitative & quantitative indicators for activities
Use National Agency
Quality & relevant partnership
Appropriate distribution of tasks
Clear plan for communication
Develop a quality & relevant partnership
Draft an appropriate distribution of tasks
Devise a clear plan for communication
Allow plenty of time!
Define clear target groups
Measures for evaluation
Explain long term impact of the results of the project
Include Value of EfVET for impact across Europe
Make sure you answer the questions!
Engage one person to write so it flows…….but input from all partners
Compose longer sections in Word first so that you do not exceed the word count on the form
Write for the evaluator, who may not know much about the
Links with financial – value for money
Start the financial calculations in Excel
Clear rows for each partner, staff type & intellectual output
Ensure costs are eligible – see guidelines
Remember management, administration, financial management & dissemination in monthly allowance
Set up a good system at the start
Work with partners to create a convincing application
Keep checking award criteria!
Different levels
Involve companies
Be realistic and practical; do not promise what you cannot do
Allow enough time to plan and write
Clear development objectives
Use National Agency
Information clarity: timetables, budgets
Clarity also from EU and National Agency
KA2 – internal timetable gives good structure for writer and partners
KA1 – internal strategic European plan
Honest in weaknesses of project – can be a good development point (can also help with measuring impact)
Topic precise and in line with commission requirements
Partnership different actors connected with the topic
Find the best writer in the partnership
Each partner has a financial controller allocated
Make schedule and tick all boxes to cover all participants
Add new partners
KA1 – formalised validation of work placement based upon learning outcomes
KA2 – ensure relevance to annual EU VET priorities
Good project manager should be identified
Look hard at the Intellectual Outputs required in KA2 proposed partnerships
Include expert on quality
Start dissemination as early as possible; use internal departments as well as local/regional outlets.
Always invite a colleague who has had no involvement in the drafting of the application, to read the application form to ascertain that the project description is completely clear. (Remember that the evaluator will also come to the project description without previous knowledge of the project proposal.
Geoff Scaplehorn