TOURINN-Act: Tourism Innovation Actions and cross-sectoral cooperation in SMEs

3rd TPM in Murcia, April 15-16th


TourINN-act is a COSME project that aims to boost the uptake of digitalisation and innovation by tourism SMEs through specific transnational cooperation and capacity building actions and through financial support more than 60 tourism SMEs from different countries in the form of vouchers. The project’s mission is to develop new organisational models for the management of tourism spaces and innovative solutions for the modernisation of the tourist experience, improving the fruition of the tourist offer and making SMEs more sustainable and profitable in the medium-long term.


The project’s secondary target is to investigate how digital innovation and sustainable practices can help companies in the tourism industry to face and overcome the Covid-19 crisis, starting from cross-sectoral operation between SMEs, technological partners & other stakeholders. The TOURINN-act project has now entered its final stages.

After two rounds of open calls where Tourism SMEs had the opportunity to apply for vouchers up to 10,000 euros and the subsequent identification of the digital solutions and providers, the consortium in combination with the providers and the SMEs, have gone ahead with the implementation of said solutions. As things stand, we are moving towards the end of the implementation period for the total of 63 tourism SMEs within the consortium’s countries.

The consortium met in person in Murcia, Spain during April 15th and 16th, and discussed the details and updates of their implementation phases in each country. Additionally, during the meeting the consortium decided the final details for the upcoming 4th and final meeting to take place in Cyprus mid-October, as well as the specifics for the Peer learning workshop which will happen in the same dates, and where the beneficiaries of the project will take part to share their experience and good practices.

The TourINN-act project consortium is comprised by 6 organisations from 5 EU countries, including Romania, Italy, Spain and Greece, with Eurosuccess Consulting being the Cypriot representative. Find out more about TourINN-act here:

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