“WOW! I have so much more confidence now in myself. Being a Junior Job Coach helps other trainees to improve their performance but you are also adding to your own job skills at the same time.” Junior Job Coach is an Erasmus + project begun in 2016 & has developed a peer support system for young students or apprentices in vocational education who may be at risk of dropping out. We all know there is a substantial social & financial cost when students drop out of the workplace or placement. And they usually leave their vocational course too.
ROC Midden Nederland (The Netherlands)
The Junior Job Coach (JJC) training programme trains higher-grade students as coaches so that they can support students at risk and prevent potential problems from escalating & hindering progress. The first important step is to match coaches with trainees & a speed dating method is employed to achieve the best possible compatible match between the two. Using social media apps the coaches are able remotely to provide a fast response to calls for advice & support.
The training programme was developed following extensive research & consultation with employers on coaching competences. The resulting JJC Competence Framework identifies a skillset comprising:
- Engagement, Confidentiality and Reliability,
- Personal Development, Communication,
- Reassurance and Affirmation, Analysis and Problem Solving.
Each of the six training modules details the learning objectives; describes the training & blended learning activities; suggests appropriate resources & assessment methods & any handout notes. This is a flexible training programme that has been translated into five languages & is designed to be delivered in less than 15 hours.
For example, the “Reassurance and Affirmation” module explores empowerment, how to set targets & positive human qualities to assist guidance. There are suggested PPTs, videos & role-play scenarios & hard copy resources.
The JJC training programme provides leadership directions but also sets boundaries; it focuses on developing the potential of the coachee; helps the coach to manage challenges & withstand stress; & handle information carefully and confidentially.
The project has also designed a JJC ToolKit for employers to support the training programme & a JJC certificate for students who complete the training.
Along with positive feedback from tutors & successful students about the training programme, students are loud in their appreciation of the additional skills & experience they have achieved & the value of the JJC Certificate on their CV.
Full details of the JJC Training Programme can be found on our website www.juniorjobcoach.eu & we would encourage you to discover the effectiveness of the training & the job coaching programme as a whole.
Norbert Ruepert at n.ruepert@rocmn.nl would be very happy to receive any questions or comments on JJC.